The Balance of Dominance and Submission

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I awakened the next morning and for the first time, I had no ominous dream. Odder still, and I was alone, in the bed at least. Kjell was on the far side of the room feeding the hearth while Jörgen sat at the table sharpening his axe. Their handsome faces were concentrated on their task. The memory of the kiss, my very first kiss replayed in my mind. The softness of their full masculine lips on mine and the honey, mint taste of them still fresh in my memory caused me to warm all over. I forced my mind to think of other things other pleasant things like the meal last night. Oh, how well-prepared and delectable that meal was, with such a pleasant presentation and an interesting flavor I've never experienced before.

The conversation I had with them yielded so much insight. They listened and although I was not granted freedom, I was awarded many necessities. Being able to have a conversation was invigorating. These Vikings are not barbaric and most certainly not inept, they are quite intelligent and resourceful. And luckily for me, they deem me important. This is my advantage. I will feign authority while I plan my departure.

I sat up and they both looked my way, greeting me with warm smiles. I was about to get up and then I remembered. I pointed to the goblet of water and Kjell brought it to me. A little smile came forth upon my face at the irony. I have two servants who happen to be Viking warriors who purchased me. I maintain my chuckle and I drink the water.

The two of them went back to their task and at the same time, I noticed my book at the edge of my bed. My Gran's book was a simple earthy-hued cover, warming to the eyes, and comforting. After all these years it was soft to the touch and the edges had a similar look to some beloved scarf Gran made.

Right then I decided on my day, I'd read a little, go to the bathhouse for a refreshing swim, and measure what I needed in the lighthouse for my garden. I sit back, it's been many years since I've read the book from start to finish. I have my list of seasonal herb planting instructions booked marked and since my mother married Lethos, that has been all I've needed. Now, I want to remember. I feel there is something, I need to remember.

Inside the pages looked as if they had just been written, the ink smelled fresh the words were bold and defined as I took them in, so softly onyx were they.

To Adunbi

From Abikanile

From Adunbi

To Adamma

Yet recall – that you cannot read my pages without the key.

And the letters took their places as if by a composer's hand, one who was accustomed to the sweeter notes of beauty. The book was several hundred white pages, each gentle to the fingertips. Upon them was the wisdom of her soul; those feelings of love channeled through great knowledge and a lifetime of meditative contemplation. In that humble ink was the liveliness of her brain, how her mind danced as if they were young all her days.

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