The Clash of the Clans II

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It all made sense now. The Sköll clan sniffed around our territory. Bengt and the ones who believed in the Shaman wanted to confirm that Adamma was alive and resided with us. When the Alpha found out his Beta left, he stopped the others from rescuing him and they left Bengt to die. The capturing of Adamma's family was a diversion meant to draw our attention away from the most vulnerable.

Is Adamma safe? I reached out to Kjell using our private bond. It was only a few minutes, but the reply seemed to take forever. I cannot recall when Kjell was ever that slow to respond.

"In the tunnels...Hurry..."

His response was gravely troubling... They had fled to the well-hidden tunnels at the base of the mountain, the tunnel is surrounded by several deeply dug pits. Why would he go there, we have better hiding places more suitable for Adamma.

"Back, to the mountain!" I order the men using the pack bond.

As we journeyed home, I gave more orders. I divided the pack in two, one group guarding our flank of the attackers, and the others would hold them off at the tunnels. I saw them obey me, Stig, Claes, and Henrik's group stayed, while Olof, Gunnar, and Sven's group pushed forward. Trees blurred as I ran, I felt the beast grip me, and I held it at the shore. All that cursed beast wants is blood and death. All I wanted was to see her again. Kjell sent me an image, he had hidden her deep in one of the many channels of the tunnels, while he remained close to the mouth of the cave.

Alpha, stay there...

From the howls behind me, I knew that the battle raged on. A Sköll wolf was snapping at me, I would not let him slow me down. If he tried, I would spill his blood all over the forest. I see Olof to my left, his wolf rushing in and attacking the Sköll wolf and mauling him to death before he pressed forward. That little wolf has been admirable from the start. Before I realized it, the mountain reared up above the horizon and we were in the landmine of pits near the base of the mountain. The threat must be stopped here and now. I was suddenly attacked by another. My skin crisscrossed with cuts and blows and none of it bothered me. I destroyed the slavering werewolf that attacked me, hacking him to death with my axe without breaking a sweat, daring any of them to proceed further. I was hit again, this time by a man, and I struck back, we battled. I took on blows and threw out some of my own. But I felt nothing, except when I struck out another enemy and thirsted for another. I caught sight of the Sköll Alpha, by the time we had reached him, I realized where he had gone.

"Ansuz Alpha! I am The Sköll Alpha Heimdall...! Come face me...!" He yelled in close vicinity to Kjell and Adamma's hiding place. He was an excellent tracker, no one has ever come this close to the tunnels without falling trap to the landmines.

"A human cannot be your mate, and I will prove that to you! Face me now!" The Sköll Alpha challenged Kjell as our warriors fought to keep the rest of the tribe from invading our land. An earth-shattering roar emitted from the tunnels stopping the Sköll Alpha and every single warrior. I rushed the Alpha, a crazed glaze in his eyes.

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