The Claiming and the Bonding I

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"My child, I have a gift from my sisters for you," Mother said, gently holding my hand and leading me out of the cave. The Vikings followed us out of the cave to the courtyard.

"The night before the Coven gave this to me Abikanile had come to me in a dream. She told me what I was to use this for. When I shared with Thodne, she thought it fitting that I announce the prophecy also."

I was curious and when I glanced back at the men, their inquisitive glances matched mine. We gathered in the courtyard, standing by Kjell's throne. The Ansuz and Wives casually gather near us, while Thodne stands near attentively, her expression, surprisingly one of mirth.

The crowd circles us, and my mother announces, "Eygrun, Queen of the Crystal Forest, was why the Wives of Ember and the Fenrir found refuge here. The völva fled to escape persecution and the Fenrir to perish in peace. Both are deemed evil and cursed by religious humans, although they are no more evil and violent than any other human, two-natured for that matter. Proof that the völva would thrive and the Fenrir would remain came in the form of a powerful, yet fertile witch named Abikanile. Jarl Borg and Queen Eygrun betrothed Abikanile to two Fenrir and she was the only successor of the alliance, until now."

I knew the rest of the story; I saw it in my dream. My grandmother did not accept her fate, she escaped it and that is why I am here. I realize now, I can leave if I want. I could leave these men and in time they would slowly perish. I look over at my Vikings who have not taken their eyes off me and smile. I love them. 

The gazes of all the men are upon me, even though we are surrounded by a coven of beautiful women, I am the most cherished.

"The stones have shown us a great revelation. The Luna will give birth to a new tribe, they will be of goodness and wisdom, and they will usher in a new era."

"That's impossible!" I hear Claes's voice before I see him. He is shoving his way through the crowd. In a moment, he is face to face with Jörgen, "We are still the Fenrir-an abomination, cursed to live forever with an infertile seed. So no matter how much Kjell and Jörgen fuck her, she will not become with child!"

 "Silence your filthy lying mouth!" Offended by his vulgarity, Jörgen shoved Claes's chest. The warrior fell to the ground. They growled that animal-like sound, the sound vibrated from deep within. Jörgen eyes illuminated that preternatural glow and he bunched his hands into tight fists, he was a keg ready to explode in a fit of violence.

"As serendipitous as this is to believe it is true," My mother cautiously stepped towards Claes offering him a hand. He refused and stumbled to his feet. She turned to Jörgen and I tried pulling her away from the angry men, but she gave me a reassuring pat with her free hand.

"Back down Claes," Kjell orders, steering towards the two men whose eyes were locked in a challenging display of dominance, "Why do you keep doubting the völva prophecy even though you are living in prophecy, your beast is tamed, and yet you still doubt, why brother..." Kjell asked, his voice so patient and kind with this trying man.

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