The Luna of Valhalla

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When I fell into the pit, the pain was so excruciating, the part of me that was still humanly surfaced, pulling through the thick shroud of insanity. My thoughts were scattered as the red haze of the Fenrir clouded my vision. I saw her lovely form nearing me, beyond her the dark stain of the beast. I wanted to attack her... just a quick snap to her delicate neck, and the sweet taste of blood, the beast taunted the man. 

The light emanating from above her was blinding, it irritated me, and I growled. I was unable to stop the force that compelled me forward. I heard a voice; a beautiful melodic voice echoing an unknown lullaby. The sound radiated through the beast; the warmth of her beautiful face radiated through the soul. The voices "mmmm's" and "oooh's." soft melodies floating had a way of speaking in words that could connect to the soul, to shine the light within and heal.

 I was being healed..? 

The dreamy poetess sang to the beast. I knew there was potent magic down here, thick as fog, swirling through my head full of pandemonium. The eternal soul comes through her songs, from times long ago in the languages of our ancestors into the here and now. I was no longer in control, the beast stepped towards her in protest, growling.  She remained unmoving. The rage in the Fenrir swelled, and the thirst for blood became unbearable. The shining light from above took away my sight in a spectacle of light turning everything white, before dulling into grey and completely black 

I am trapped in eternal darkness and an inescapable void...

Suddenly I hear a faint sound, the sound becomes louder and then I see a flicker of light, and that is when I realized I was here. I blink and Adamma is kneeling before me, a radiant light beaming directly on her, making her sepia skin glow. She was kneeling, the singular act holding such significance. The act of total submission brought forth the wolf who vowed to protect her and the man who was in love with her. Her acceptance of us was more powerful than any axe, sword, teeth, or magic. She accepted us - the man, the wolf, and the beast - the act held such semblance of valor and strength to the man and wolf, that Fenrir did not stand a chance. The moment her loving hand touched my fur I felt a serenity I had never felt before. Adamma's touch was like a sea storm blowing away the beast like a summer breeze and I changed into a man. She remained to kneel her russet eyes lowered. Completely enraptured by her, I fell to my knees. I cupped her face, kissing her soft sweet lips. I swear this girl is an expert on keeping my heart beating, without her I'm sure it would simply stop.

"Kjell," My brother moves in and hugs me. Tight. I hugged them back, and I clasped them so tightly we were nearly one person.

The beast has temporarily stolen my voice and I am unable to speak, burying my face in her midnight hair, I breathe in, wanting to savor her scent. We held our beloved savior for as long as she let us. As the sun dipped below the horizon, I wondered how the warriors had faired. Had they run away, guided by Stig, was his presence enough to save the remaining Berserkers from madness?

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