The Claiming and the Bonding II

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"Come be in our loving arms," Jörgen said to her, his eyes were the color of deep sienna, with a mischievous glint that seemed to reflect the corners of his mouth, which were fighting a smile. His arms wrapped around her body, passionately holding her tight and kissing her; undoing her, she was melting like summer rain, "Beautiful Adamma, your eyes have such a softness to them, there is something so welcoming. The first time I gazed into them I felt a little more lost, a little more at home, each time we are together."

'You have rendered me speechless, ironic now that you can hear me,' She realized that she had always loved to touch them - His warmth would seep into her being and he comforted her. Their proximity brings to each of the body's senses the words of a poem known only in whispers to the soul. It is infatuation, but what is love without it? Obsession, passion, and true love are threads of the same emotion, a perfect recipe for sexual attraction.

"Come let us keep you safe from this world and all that ails, for we will nurture every good thing that resides in your soul until you are a well of happiness," Kjell, croons before kissing her lips. His fiery tongue slips inside her soft, luscious mouth. The blonde warrior holds her up as if she weighs nothing at all, placing her into the waiting arms of the auburn-haired brother.

The dark-skinned beauty wraps her arms around Jörgen's neck her body melting into him as if she belonged next to him as if he belonged next to her. The trio retreats down the corridors of the caves. The room was redolent with the fragrance of peppermint and honey and she became all too aware that she was wearing too much clothing, her mates wanted her naked in the privacy of their room. So, she took off her dress, slowly pushing it up and over her beautiful hair, exposing her petite frame.

''My entire being is consumed with thoughts of you and how much I desire you, I could soak in all that you are forever,' Kjell said removing his tunic and exposing his muscled chest.

'Come to me Luna,' Jörgen called, his long form leisurely splayed out on the pelts.

Electricity shot through her entire body and the atmosphere became freshened with sensuality. Adamma found it hard to look away from his compelling eyes that seemed to ask her to inch closer. She dropped to her knees and crawled slowly towards the bed. Her submissive actions elicited a groan of pleasure from the men. Her lissome form mesmerized them as she swayed towards them.

'– She is strong, yet submissive.'

Adamma crawls up and onto the bed, and turns slowly, slightly twisting her head to peak over her shoulders. Watching the awe on their faces, as if this were the first time, they had ever seen her. She is no longer the unsure girl, she is a woman, a Luna.

'Now what would you like me to do?' she asked giving him a coy look and placing her hand on Jörgen's hip, then the other side, slowly removing the loincloth, revealing his hard cock waiting for her. She leans in, and her hard nipples graze his firm chest. Her soft mouth kissed his neck, chest, and stomach, sweeping her hair up and down his stomach, which made him shiver.

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