The Truth Takes Time

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The dresses the warriors provided me would do. The material of the dresses, my word, was practically transparent, I might as well stay nude. The pinafore, however, was excellent, I adored pinafores with pockets.  They wanted me nude unless I was cold, and it was very warm and cozy in here. Besides, I wanted to do my best to please them and the pelts feel so good on my bare skin.

Besides, I'd need clothes when it is time to make my escape. I would try them on then. I was more than pleased with what Kjell promised. I'd get to see my mother again and she would soon know I was well. The tale he spun about the Fenrir reminded me so much of my dream. I could not help but notice the similarities.

Was that a Fenrir I saw in my dreams? A creature of myth and legend..? That was certainly a wolf. Why would I dream of such a beast? Why does Gran's book mention Fenrir?

I always thought grandmother was full of fairy tales and wives' tales about magical creatures. Dwarfs, Fae, and Werewolves. Now I am not so sure, These Vikings spoke of things that happened over a century ago as if it was yesterday, yet I gazed upon men who looked no older than myself.

I know the history of the Lycan, men who turn into wolves at the full moon, but the Fenrir sounds like something straight from Hades. Are they telling me that we are on an island with werewolves' witches and ancient beasts? I know they are trying to distract me but I remain persistent. I gazed at Kjell with utter confusion, behind his blue eyes is something he wants to share but for some reason will not. Suddenly Jörgen yelled at me with such anger in his voice, that it took a moment for me to comprehend what he was saying. I peered at his intense gaze as he tossed my goblet across the room and I was struck with the realization of what he wanted so desperately.

Me... he wanted me and there was no denying that I wanted them too. I felt like a colony of butterflies had been set free in my belly and they could sense it in the air. I wanted to surrender my body to them, but I was afraid. Two men...two large men, very large men. Everything is so hard, but their lips, are so very soft. Their cocks are long and thick and the thought of them inside me makes me even wetter than I possibly thought I could be. I lay back, resting my head on Kjell's warm and firm chest. Their scent was so masculine and exciting it tickled my nostrils. Kjell kissed me with his honey-coated lips and mint tongue and I relaxed into him even more.

With my heated gaze, I invite Jörgen to come to me, and just as I suspect, he reads my gesture loud and clear. His body melted against mine; my body relished in contact. Jörgen...What a sexy thick neck, I want to.... I am shocked at how excited this is making me.

I tugged at the pelt allowing my breast to bounce free and they both growled. The growl came from deep within them, it was frightening how the sound made me feel. Kjell played with my breast sending soft shocks of pleasure coursing through me, while Jörgen played with my womb, his fingers dipping in and out of the wetness pooling down there. It felt so good being touched by them. I need to breathe, I need...I need...I moaned my ragged cries and my body shuddered in pleasure as I felt my first climax. Jörgen groaned in a way I had never heard. His moan was primal and it sounded more animal than human.

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