The Beauty Within the Beast Within

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It took a moment to gain control of my raging erection, and when I did, my mind created our first task for our woman. She would preen us. Humans preen themselves when courting and we want to look our best for Adamma while displaying our dominance.

I signaled to Jörgen; of course, he liked the idea. He expressed earnestly that he favored shaving her down below. His face held the most mischievous smirk I've ever seen. Through our bond, his happiness soaked right into my bones. I closed my eyes and savored for a moment. The happiness is infectious, she passed it to us I feel it pass through me like a warm ocean wave, washing away the tension of looming death, and we passed the serenity to the clan.

While the beast within us only wants blood, and thankfully, he lies dormant, that is only for now. I still feel its presence, lingering near the surface. It lies in wait, like a snake waiting for the right moment to strike. But what is it waiting for?

Upon my command, we led her out of the pool. Naked underneath a skylight is where I proposition my lovely Adamma. I sat her on my thigh enjoying the softness of her little round bottom while patting her hair dry. I was pleased when she agreed to my request. We had all the essential items needed for proper grooming. Perhaps with a more civilized appearance, she will find us more to her liking. Her appearance pleases me in every way. The coils in her hair reminded me of waterfalls at night, glossy locks lifted on the wind. In those brown eyes was the warmth of an everlasting hearth. Her lips were plump and inviting; if the eyes are the gateway to the soul, the lips are the same thing for the body. They are softness, passion, and the promise of the sweetness to come. I dared not my eyes to look any further below, my lust would need to remain ashore for a while.

 I dared not my eyes to look any further below, my lust would need to remain ashore for a while

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How could she not see how lovely she was? Her lowered head is not a show of submission, but shame. That should never be. This was the doing of the man named Lethos. He was a pest, he masked his desires for her with petty insults and mistreatment.

I had seen with my own eyes what that wolf tried to do to her. He failed and I destroyed him, which was not easy. So how could someone so delicate survive such a ferocious attack? My wonderment about her will never lessen, she is like a resilient flower in all her splendid glory.

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