Liberation front

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Midoriya and Uraraka held back a gasp as they were finally able to get a glimpse of the unknown trespassers

In the middle of the near empty room their stood four cloaked individuals all facing away from them. Midoriya and Uraraka were frozen in their spot both their minds racing with endless possibilities of how this would go.

The two decided to back away and get far enough to alert Ranbaud and the rest of their classmates. But unfortunately Uraraka had accidentally bump into a rusted steel handrail causing it to give way.

As she yelped trying to regain her balance with the help of Midoriya she got back her footing and assured the greenette she was fine. But they were caught of guard when a loud gunshot nearly hit them from behind.

Good thing that Midoriya was able to grab onto Uraraka and jumped off the platform they were on to the floor below avoiding the shot. As the two looked back up they saw the damage that a single shot did as the wall it hit was completely blasted open.

The four towering figures stepped out of the room into full view, they were all in dark cloaks covering their forms.

"Looks like we're have some rats scurrying around" one of them said looking down on them.

"Guess we should exterminate them don't you say" another added.

"Right let's just make it quick, Bato"

"Tch fine, if it is for the cause then so be it."

One  figures jumped down from the platform making a deep indent onto the ground. He was insanely tall and had a lot of bulk on him.

He approached the two heroes in training menacingly as he cracked his knuckles, the others had exited out one of the windows living him behind.

"Come on kids, make it easier on yourselves and just stand still. It'll be over before you know it" he said with a smirk

Midoriya and Uraraka backed away trying to find a way to escape but had nothing. They both got into their battle stances.

The man was prepared to take a strike at them but stopped when he got his legs stuck to the ground.

"Huh? The hell?" The man said confused as he looked down at his feet trying to left it up.

Midoriya and Uraraka got a peek underneath and saw purple balls sticking to the man's feet and the ground.

"Midoriya! Uraraka!"

They heard a call down the hall. Kirishima, Mineta and Asui were running towards them.

Kirishima hardened his skin jumped into the air and with a loud battle cry he slammed his fist into the man's face.

But his eyes widened in shock at not only was the man completely unharmed by the attack, he even started laughing.

"Hahahahahah! Damn is that really what you call a punch?" He asked mockingly as he grabbed Kirishima's fist forcefully pulling him forward and head butted him hard.

This was able to disorient the redhead end student even with his hardening powers so he was left immobile.

Mineta in a panic started throwing his sticky balls onto him in hopes of keeping his from moving but to everyone's horror the man chuckled maniacally and ripped the balls from his body ripping off clothes and even his skin in the process.

However he was completely unbothered by this and just continued to pull every single one off of his person.

"Damn if you kids are gonna put up any kind of fight you can at least make it a little more fun for me" he taunted.

Midoriya stood still trying to analyze the situation and what to do. Kirishima was laying unconscious at the man's feet with slight bleeding on his head, right now his top priority was to get their friend out of there and find some help.

"Asui, do you think you will be able to grab Kirishima with your tongue?" He asked his classmate quietly

She gave him a small nod " Yeah I can do that, ribbit"

"Great I need you guys to get him out of here and find Rando and the others, I'll stay here and keep him occupied"

"W-What are you insane you'll kill yourself!?" Mineta whisper yelled at him.

"Yeah Midoriya that's to dangerous we can't leave you here alone!" Uraraka protested.

They all agreed and tried to talk him out of it but he was adamant.

"Just go now!" He yelled as he lowered up one for all to twenty percent ready to attack his opponent. 

"Full Cowling!"

Aiming a well placed kick on his left shoulder but the towering titan didn't budge.

'Damn it!' Midoriya cursed mentally 'I have to try to figure out his quirk if Iwant to-'

His train of thought was interrupted when a large hand grabbed him by the head and slammed him hard into the ground before he could react.

Coughing up a small amount of blood Midoriya lifted his face of the ground trying to regain his focus. He was barely able to move out of the way when the giant lifted his massive foot bring it over his head in an attempt to smash his skull.

After getting out of his reach Midoriya decided to change tactics and just attack him with multiple quick strikes using the layout of the warehouse to his advantage. The were plenty of places he could use to jump off of, which makes him much more agile.

Reactivating one for all he skipped over to his right jumping high up to the platform rails and using his momentum to pounce back down on the giant like a landing pad. He swiftly jumped off him crouching down on a high pillar.

He continued on giving multiple blows as the man tried with little success to grab a hold of him, but he still hasn't receiving any kind of damage what so ever.

Midoriya had given it up to 20 percent but still it was no use, but he didn't focus on that. His main goal was to keep the guy busy until help arrived, dodging a backhand from the man Midoriya hopped across the room putting distance.

The man was begging to get annoyed by this "Little brat is light on his toes, guess UA should reconsider they should reconsider their student admission"

Hearing this caught Midoriya off guard 'So they know that we're from UA?'

Suddenly the man appeared before him in a flash dash that even Midoriya wasn't able to see and was right in front of his face wearing a smug grin.

"It'll be nice warm up to break a little hero's spine in half"

Midoriya could do nothing but brace for what was coming to him.

But nothing happened.

The large man was instead enveloped by a bright yellow light, in a blink of an eye he was trapped in a floating cubicle cage.

Midoriya gasped out of surprise and partly from relief.

He heard sets of incoming footsteps and turned to find his classmates and Rando in tow.

"You did well Midoriya" he softly praised him as he walked up to check the greenette for any severe injuries. After seeing he was alright he turned his attention to the caged giant.

"It seems our day has been fruitful after all"

Back at Port mafia headquarters

"Is the car ready to go"

"Yes sir!" One of the mafia grunts nodded to Chuuya

"Right then. Oi shitty mackerel let's go!"

"Coooooming chibi, guess my little dog is excited to go back Tokyo" the tall brunette teased.

"Shut up or else I'll hang you by your bandages on the roof" Chuuya growled

"Wow sooo kinky"


Sooooo some more development on the lore of the story the next chapter will I will be bringing a new character and this training arc will be kinda long but I will include the movies later on. Sorry of any spelling errors . Peace out ✌️.

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