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"Let's get the class started." He suggests. I nod and tighten my ponytail, waiting for him to give some further instructions.

"Firstly, I'm going to show you how to use an enemy's attack to throw him off balance to the floor." He explains. I laugh inside, knowing I have already done this multiple times. I don't even know why I'm here.

"Hit my face." He demands.

I stand, thinking for a moment, but shrug it off and without asking any questions, hit him. My hand flies swiftly towards his chest, hoping to catch him off guard and land the punch on his torso. However, he manages to grab my fist beforehand.

"You can do better than that. I've heard a lot of things about you, Milana." He says through a continuous nod. "I don't want to hurt a face like yours." I reply.

"Don't be shy. I can take it."

Hearing those words flipped some kind of switch inside me. Concentrating on the target, I turn my body to face right and charge with a straight arm towards his face. My fist hits him in the nose and he stumbles backwards slightly. Next, I throw him over my hip and onto the mat with a thud.

"Are you sure?" I ask, referring to his overly confident comment from before. His muscles stiffen and his breathing quickens. "Hm. I'm impressed." He praises. I smile optimistically and pin his hands down with mine. "I think you're the one needing the lessons. Maybe you could learn a thing or two." I say in mockery as I release the grip on his hands and stand up. His eyes follow me as I walk away, smiling tauntingly at him.

I stride up to the boxing ring, slipping under the ropes and inside of the ring. I stand, hands on hips, in front of James. "I see you... exceeded in the self defence class." He says, raising an eyebrow at Logan across the training centre. "I learnt more at nine years old." I reply with a laugh.

He laughs but quickly straightens his expression and throws me some boxing gloves. I pull them onto my hands as he watches, eyebrow raised, inflicting a challenge on me. "Let's box." I snap, smiling devilishly.

James and I tap gloves before we take a step back from each other. I signal for him to begin and he throws a right hook which i dodge at the very last second. "Nice try." I mock as I throw a punch and hit him on the arm. He doesn't back away from me, if anything he steps closer, fixing me with determination. I do a hasty uppercut and nail him below the jaw. When I could see the anger in his eyes, I knew my punches were effective.

He begins to throw more and more punches, missing me by inches each time. He storms closer and closer to me, backing me into the corner of the ring. That's when I knew it was time to move. He swung another right hook and I quickly duck under his arm, running behind him. He whips
around instantly and I throw one more punch, making him stumble back and lean back against the ropes.

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