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I couldn't stop tapping my foot. 

"Do you have a watch?" I question Steve and Dustin.

Max and Lucas were on top of the school bus.

Dustin and Steve both shake their heads in denial.

It was dark. It had to be around or even past six. Billy must already be at the shop.

"Okay, dude.." I sigh and look to Dustin. "This is the final time I'm asking if this is some stupid prank to call it off. If you admit it now, I won't kick your ass."

"It's not a prank," Dustin states. "This is serious shit."

"Yeah and so is my time," I retort.

"What, you got a date or something?" Steve asks.

"Nice one, jackass," I scoff. "No. I just have dinner plans with Billy and if I-"

"Gross," Dustin says, crinkling his nose.

I plop my hand on the door frame. "What?"

"You.. dating Billy."

"I'm not dating Billy."

"You just said you were going out."

"No.." I shake my head. "I said we have dinner plans."

"That sounds like a date," Dustin says.

"It's not a date."

"It does kind of sound like it," Steve joins in.

"Dude.." I give Steve a look.

"I'm just saying," Steve holds his hands up. "I'm sure he's getting all hairsprayed, tight pants, and baby oil for you."

"First of all.." I hold a finger up. "Ew."

Dustin giggles as I hold another finger up.

"Second of all.. Billy has been my best friend for forever. We do things together, big whoop."

"How many other 'things' have you done together?" Dustin asks.

"Nothing you pervert," I scold, bopping him in the head with a stick. "You're like six."


"I don't care how old you are," I hold a hand up.

"He has a point, though. I'm sure you guys just go on dates all the time and never realize it," Steve adds.

"It's not like that. We hang out a lot because we're friends. I'm sure Dustin here has broken into many of swimming pools with Mike, Will, and Lucas."

"Broke into.. what?" Dustin asks.

"Night swimming," I explain.

"You and Billy?" Steve asks.

I nod, not seeing his point.

"Racquel, that's called a 'date'."

"What? No, it's not," I argue.

"Oh, what's next? You two just casually sleep together all the time?" Steve scoffs.

"What like in the same bed? Yeah.. every night. What does that have to do with-"

A loud screech breaks through the air.

"He's here," Dustin gasps, standing up and hurrying to the window.

"What was that?" I ask as Steve follows.

I felt left out and dumb. I step beside Dustin and peer through the window.

"Do you see him?" Dustin asks.

"No," Steve whispers.

A rumbling, growl-like sound is next.

"Max, are you all right?" I call up the hatch.

"Yeah, I'm fine!" Max assures.

"Lucas, what's going on?" Dustin asks.

"Hold on!"

The silence was torture. I hated shit like scary movies. Why were we in the middle of a junkyard at night with fog all around? This is how dumbasses get beheaded in movies.

"I've got eyes! Ten o'clock!" Lucas shouts.

"Oh, sure.. He has a watch," I complain.

"No, ten o'clock there!" Dustin points.

I follow his hand and squint through all the fog. There was an animal on the outskirts of the junkyard. It stood on all four legs.

"What's he doing?" Dustin wonders.

"I don't know," Steve answers.

The animal growls again. I ease my hand behind me, fingers grazing the handle of my gun. I take a few steps back and look up the ladder.

"Max," I call. "Get down here."

"What?" she asks, peering down the hatch to me.

"Here. Now," I order.

The door opens. My heart leaps to my throat.

"What the hell?" I ask as Steve steps out.

"He told me to get ready," Dustin informs, squirming anxiously as he shuts the door.

"Max!" I hiss.

Max climbs down the ladder and to my side. "What's he doing?"

"Expanding the menu," Dustin says.

Max stands beside Dustin and they both peer out the window.

"He's insane," Max declares.

"He's awesome," Dustin corrects.

My leg bounces nervously. "Dustin, this is your final-final chance to tell me-"

"Rocky, come look!" Max waves me over.

I grab my gun in full, keeping it in my waistband. I bend down beside Max and look to Steve outside.

The creature was getting closer. It was nearly under a streetlight now.

My eyes widen and my mouth goes dry. "Holy shit."

Dustin looks up at me with a cocky grin. "Does that look like an alligator to you?"

I didn't have the stomach to answer him.

The creature was big. It walked like a dog, but.. it was far from that. It was double the size of a great dane. Its skin looked like rubber or silicone. It's face.. I couldn't even tell where the face was.

"That's Dart?" Max clarifies. "The little slug you made me hold?"

"That's the one," Dustin confirms.

"Steve! Watch out!" Lucas screams- still on top of the roof.

Goosebumps rise on my skin. My eyes flicker around in search of Lucas' panic.

Then, a second creature creeps up onto a car near Steve.

Then, a second creature creeps up onto a car near Steve

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