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"Hey, honey," Joyce greets.

"Hi, Mrs. Byers. Would you happen to have seen Billy Hargrove out today?"

"Billy?" she gives me a look and grins. "No, I haven't."

She goes to say something, but give a quick 'thanks, talk later' and close the shop door.

The next place was the mall.

I checked all of Billy's favorite stores before heading to the ice cream shop.

"You want something?" Robin asks.

"Whatever will wake me up and keep me awake," I urge.

"Double scoop coffee coming right up," she hurries to make it.

I lean my elbows on the counter and try to not rub my face. My makeup was too good to ruin. If it dared mess up, everyone would see the bags under my eyes.

"Here you go," Robin hands me the ice cream. "On my check. Your brother is outside talking to Dustin."

"Thanks, I appreciate it," I smile gratefully and walk out to the sitting area. "Steve?"

"Hey," he greets, peering over a booth. "What are you doing here?"

"Rocky?" Dustin questions.

"Hey, bud. You sleep good last night?" I hope- at least someone had to have a good day.

"After you left, I passed out. But.. I thought-"

"Have either of you seen Billy around?" I cut Dustin off, already knowing what he was going to say.

"Racquel," Steve scolds.

I was too desperate to care if he was angry. "Just.. have you seen him?"

"No.. Why? Did he do something?" Steve questions.

"We had plans and he didn't show," I keep it simple.

"So, he got payback?" Steve recalls.

"Not funny," I glare.

I still carried guilt about standing Billy up that night we were looking for Dart. But, through my exhaustion, worry seeps in. Is that why Billy didn't show? He was playing the long game to get revenge?

"Wait.. is that why you hugged me for like ten minutes last night?" Dustin suspects.

"I just missed you. Camp and all," I lie.

"You cried," Dustin remembers.

"I was very happy to see you, God!" I complain. "Have you seen Billy or not?"

"I haven't. Have you tried calling him?" Dustin asks.

I did. Despite my fear of Neil, I still called that Hargrove house.

Susan answered, luckily. I asked where Billy and Max were to keep suspicion low. Max was hanging out with a friend. Billy had left last night after getting into an argument with Neil.

The thing that spurred this hunt for Billy was that Susan asked if I get in touch with Billy to let her know.

Apparently, Billy packed a bag before leaving. Susan was worried Neil had 'chased him off' and he wasn't coming home.

So, that meant Billy packed for us to leave like we planned. Then, something happened. No one could get in touch with him.

"Did you stop by the pool?" Steve asks.

"Too early for his shift, but he wasn't there anyway," I sigh. "I'll catch up with you dudes later."


"Hopper!" I shout, banging on the door. "Hopper!"

I continue hitting the door until it suddenly opens. My fist lands on Hopper's chest.

"Oh, shit! I'm sorry!" I gasp.

"What doing here?" he slurs, drunk.

I cringe and wave a hand over my face. "God, dude. You'd think you got stood up instead of me."

"It's late," he states.

"I need to see El," I explain. "Is she in?"

"She and Max are in her room," he opens the door further for me to walk in.

"Thank you, sorry again!" I shout, running to El's room.

"El! Max!" I call, knocking on the door.

It opens with ease and I step in. Then, El closes it behind me all while never getting up. I loved her powers.

"Hey, Rocky, what's up?" Max asks with a smile.

I point to Eleven. "You. I need you."

"What did I do?" El panics.

"Nothing. I need your super wicked teleport in people's brain shit," I wave my hand around.

"My powers?" Eleven clarifies. "To see where someone is?"

I snap my fingers. "Exactly!"

"Is something wrong?" Max asks.

"I don't know," I admit. "I just.. I really need your help, El."

"Okay.. Who am I looking for?" she asks.

I pick up the radio and turn it to a static channel. "Billy."

"Billy?" Max questions, sitting upright.

"It's a long story, okay? I just.. I've been looking for him all day and night and I can't find him and I'm really starting to freak out and-"

"I need silence," El requests.

I set the radio down beside her as she pulls out a blindfold from her nightstand drawer and wraps it around her eyes. I settle in a pacing motion, back and forth beside El's bed.

Max watches me go back and forth and El zones out, blood beginning to run down her nose.

"His car.." El whispers.

I crouch down beside the bed and lean my elbows on the mattress. "Car?"

"The window.. broken. Still running.. Not moving."

My anxiety spikes. I should've come to El first.

"Do you see him?"

El goes quiet. I knew she was looking for him, still. My leg bounces under me and I scratch at my hand from how nervous I was.

"I found him."

I sit up straighter.

"What's he doing?" Max asks.

"I don't know.. He's.. on the floor. Talking to someone."

El suddenly gasps and rips the blindfold off her face, shaking and breathing erratically.

"What? What happened?" I panic, jumping up to grab El by the shoulders. "Are you okay?"

"I'm.. I'm fine.. Billy.." she pants.

"Billy?" Max urges.

"Billy.. I think he's in trouble."


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