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"Tell me again," Nancy urges.

Steve sighs and plops his hand against the steering wheel. "Nance, we've gone over the plan five times."

"All right, then make it six," she urges.

"Every time we go over it, you change something," Lucas accuses.

"Go over it again," Nance demands.

"Lucas, Erica, Rocky, and I wait at the house of horror," Max begins.

"We meet Erica and Rocky at the playground," Robin continues.

"And Billy does the weird bat shit while Eddie and I keep watch at the gate," Dustin adds.

Nancy inhales sharply.

"Oh, come on," Steve complains. "What is it this time?"

"How do we know for certain that Billy can control the bats?" Nancy asks.

"I've only been asking that this whole time," Billy comments under his breath.

Nancy goes quiet for a minute.

"If Billy can't control the bats, the whole plan is fucked," I remind. "This is why I should go in the Upside Down with you and-"

"No," Nancy cuts me off. "As great of a fighter you are, you can't breathe in the Upside Down. Not for long. Especially not enough to keep up a fight with weapons and fire."

"Just say I'd slow you down," I mumble.

"You'd slow us down," Steve says.

"Thanks, man," I sigh.

"We'll test it out at the gate."

"What if those chest pains come back while Billy is in there?" I ask.

"Shit," Nancy curses.

"Did you seriously not take that into account?" Lucas asks.

Nancy places her hands on her head. "Let me think."

"We have ten minutes until we're outside of Henry/One/Vecna's house. Can you think a little faster?" Robin asks.

"Rocky," Nancy calls.

"Present," I answer.

"You.. You come with us to the gate."

"Wait, what?" Max asks. "I.. I don't know if I can.."

"Hang on," Nancy urges.

I glance at Max. Was she nervous to go do this without me? Did she want me there? Even though Lucas and Erica had her back?

"If things go south for some reason, we'll need confirmation," Nancy continues.

"Explain," I demand.

"You can't walk in the Upside Down.. But, you can help us get in the gate and make sure we get to Erica."

"You want me to.. what?"

"The lights. Carry a light and follow us through the Upside Down."

"From this side?" I clarify.

"Make sure we get through. The light will let you know we're good. If something goes wrong, we'll give a signal and you can high tail is back to the gate and you, Eddie, Dustin, and Billy can find us."

Slowly, I nod. "So, keep the light on me, walk from Eddie's trailer to Vecna's house and makes sure the light doesn't go out?"

"It would keep us safe," Steve agrees. "If somehow something finds us, you'll be the first to know and you can send in the reinforcements."

Before I knew it, we were outside of Vecna's old house.

I stand up long enough to wrap Max i  a hug and kiss her head. "I'll be here as soon as I can."

"Make it fast," she urges.

"Hey," Billy whispers as he stands up snd places a hand on Max's back. "You got this."

"I'm not strong like you," Max tells Billy.

"What did I tell you about strength?" I question.

Max rakes a deep breath and I look down at her.

"You decide to be strong.. So, you are," she reiterates.

"You're a badass litfle shit, Max," Billy swears.

"You're an annoying big piece of shit," Max says with a smile.

"Damn straight," Billy grins. "Go on. We got this."

My heart was still so full by how much progress they'd made over the past day or so. I knew that their isolation and pain made their mindset on each other change.. but it was still so indescribable how proud of both of them I was.

Just when I thought I'd seen it all, Max releases me in favor of hugging Billy once again. Billy rubs her back and whispers more words of support in her ear.

Then, Max steps away and looks to Erica and Lucas. Lucas gives her a smile and I could see the determination flood back into Max's eyes.

I kiss Max's head again, "Be safe, Mija. I'll be here soon. I love you."

"I love you, Rocky."

I grab Lucas' sleeve before he could follow Erica and Max off the camper.

"Take care of her," I plead.

"You know I will,' Lucas promises.

I nod stiffly and kiss Lucas' cheek. Billy pats Lucas' back and sends him onward out of the camper.

I fought the tears of worry as I watched Max, Lucas, and Erica walk into the house. My stomach churned with fear. My heart aches with love and pride. But, goddamn.. I was so, so scared.

 I was so, so scared

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