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The parking lot was empty.

It felt like hours, walking from the mall doors to the front of Billy's car.

He flashed his headlights and revved the engine, making me flinch. But, I keep walking.

"Billy," I call, voice trembling.

He revs the engine again. My body tenses, yet I don't back down.

"Move," he demands.

"Not until you get out and talk to me."

"If I get out.. it's your funeral."

"No. It's not."

Billy laughs. He shrugs and takes the keys out of the car, opening the door.

I gulp when he stands up out of the car.

"Where's Billy?" I ask.

He grins. "Right here."

"No," I shake my head. "I wanna talk to Billy."

"You're talking to him," he scoffs.

"I don't give a shit if you want to stay and monitor the conversation, dipshit. But, let me talk to Billy."

Billy shakes his head, astonished. Then, he buckles over in pain.

"Billy!" I gasp, rushing to his side.

"Roc," he grunts in pain, clutching his stomach and head. "Roc, what's going on?"

"B, you're all right," I say as I pull his head to my chest, crouching beside him.

"Everything.. hurts.. it just.."

"I know," I assure. "I know, B. But, you have to hold on. You have to fight him off and-"

"He's too strong."

"No, Billy. He might be strong, but you're stronger."

Billy gasps out a choked cry, pure pain.

"B, what is the deal?" I ask. 


"You said something about a deal. What was it? What did he want from you?"

Billy grips my shirt. "Deal.. The deal.."

I rub his head, holding him tight.

"The deal.. was I'd give control.. But, he didn't.. he didn't kill you or Max."

A cry rips from my mouth like it was jerked out.

"If.. If I break it.. he'll kill you both first."

"Billy," I bend down to look at him in the eyes. "You have to fight."

His lips tremble and he shakes his head. "No. No. You and Max-"

"We'll be fine. As long as you can take control, you can stop him. We can beat him and no one has to get hurt and-"

"No!" he shouts.

I yank his face closer to me, pushing our lips together.

Our tears leak past our eyelids and mix together until I can taste the tears within the kiss.

It was so desperate. So needy.

Please, Billy. Trust Max and I. We'll get through this.

I lean back and wipe Billy's tears.

"Roc.." he whispers, sounding so tortured.

"Billy, I l-"

Billy's eyes crow dark, his hand snapping up around my throat.

"Bi.. Billy.." I gasp.

No.. No, No, No, No, No.. Billy, come back.

The Mind Flayer takes control again and stands to his feet, dragging me with him.

"A deal.. is a deal," he growls.

"You.. can't hurt.. me.." I remind.

"I can hurt you. I just can't kill you," Billy laughs. "And that.. well.. I can make that so bad that you're gonna wish you were dead."

"You.. son of a bitch.." I hiss, slapping at his arm. "Let him go!"

"Him?" Billy laughs. "You're the one that can't breathe.. and yet.. I should let go of him?"

"Let.. go.." I wheeze.

Billy rolls his eyes and pulls my back against his chest. I choke as his entire arm wraps around my front, shoving me to the back of the car. He opens the trunk.

"No! No!" I cry, slapping and kicking to the best of my ability.

Billy's grip tightens, far beyond his normal strength, and he pushes me into the trunk. Before I could reach out, he slams the trunk shut.

"Dammit!" I scream, banging my fist against the trunk.

Billy starts the car back up.

"Billy!" I cry, lurching to the side as he speeds to the mall.



I close my eyes and pull at my hair. 

Shit. Shit. Shit.

I slam my heel against the trunk. Then, a force blows the side of the car. I scream in alarm and roll to the side as the car drifts around the parking lot.

I swear I hear Steve's voice.

But, all voices are drowned out as he monster roars. My body goes still. The ground shakes as the monster steps over the car. 

I roll around the trunk until I find a bent piece of metal. Nancy's car was driving out of the parking lot with the monster following.

They got away. They'll lose the monster in no time.

Then, I smell fire.

The car.

"Shit!" I panic, kicking at the broken metal.

I slam my foot against it repeatedly, tiring myself out. Finally, the lock snaps and the trunk opens.

I slump out of the car, nearly face-planting into the pavement. 

"Billy!" I shout, looking around.

I hear him yell and metal creak.

My head snaps to the side. Past the fire on the car, I could see Billy marching into a side exit of the mall. Was someone left behind? Nancy drove away.. who was left?

I take off into a run to the main doors of the mall.

When I make it to the middle of the mall, Billy rounds the corner of another hall with Eleven on his shoulder. 


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