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"Racquel?" Hopper calls.

I pat Mike's shoulder and walk over to Hop. El gets up with Mike and Max's help and they start to tote her off toward Nancy.

"Listen, I uh.. I know it's been a hard couple of days for you," he begins.

"But, you're going on a suicide mission, El can't use her powers, and you need someone to keep a close eye on her," I smile. "Am I close?"

"Right on the nail."

"It's cool. We've had.. some bonding time over the past day or so."

"Yeah?" he smiles a little.

"Yeah," I glance at El. "She's a good kid. I'll keep an eye on her."

"Thank you," he pats m shoulder.

"Just.. can you do me a favor back?"

"If I can manage," he agrees.

"If Billy gets to you before you close the gate.. try to save him before you try to end him?"

Hopper doesn't say anything. He doesn't nod or shake his head in denial.

"You should get going," he advises.

I strap the backpack closer to me and walk over to Steve.

"Hey," Steve greets, pulling me into a hug.

"Be careful up there," I mutter, squeezing him tightly. "Or else I'm taking your bedroom if you die."

Steve scoffs and kisses the top of my head. "You got it."

I rub his back and he steps away. 

"Stay safe," he warns. "Or else, I'll haunt your ass."

"You got it," I agree, using his words against him.

I give Robin a quick hug as well before Steve, Robin, Dustin, and Erica leave the mall to the spot they were meant to be at. They were going to the top of a hill to be able to have a high enough radio frequency to reach Hopper, Joyce, and Murray. I shrugged off the big words Dustin tried to use and just told him to stay safe.

Hopper, Joyce, and Murray were going to the secret Russian spy tunnel thing beneath the mall to try and close the gate.

The rest of us.. we were going to Murray's place. A hideout. And we had to wait.

"Everybody ready?" Jonathan asks.

My eyes search for El again and I head to her- standing behind her as a guard while Mike and Max carried her.

When we make it to the car, we're quick to pack everything and get settled.

"Shit," Nancy hissees.

"What?" Jonathan asks. "What's wrong?"

"It's not starting," Nancy says, turning the key again.

The engine sputters, but never fully starts.

"Nance, pop the hood," I urge. "Don't drain it anymore. Let me have a look."

"You know cars?" she asks.

"I grew up with Billy Hargrove and I'm Mexican what do you think?" I scoff.

"Isn't that a stereotype?" Lucas asks.

"Shut up. Nance, pop the hood," I say and climb out of the car.

Jonathan meets me at the hood and we lift it up and prop it open.

"Okay, so.."

"Wait," I cut Jonathan off. "The ignition cable."

MELANCHOLY [S.T. B. Hargrove]Where stories live. Discover now