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A flashlight blinks in the window. Lucas was sending the signal.

"Initiate plan: B for Billy Beat Bats' Bitchass!" Erica shouts into the radio- a signal for Billy, Dustin, and Eddie.

The flashlight glows overly bright. Then, it suddenly explodes. Erica yelps and drops it off the side of the playground set and the device falls at my feet.

"Badass," I note and hand Erica the flashlight I used. "I'm heading in. Keep an eye out for the others."

I break into a jog. I could still picture Steve, Robin, and Nancy in step with me. I hurry into the house and up the stairs.

"Rocky..!" Lucas pants.

"It's all right," I assure, rubbing his shoulder. "She's got this. The others are in. Billy's working."

I pull Lucas to kneel on the ground- each of us on either side of Max. Her eyes were glazed over with the white film. She was gasping in little breaths every so often. Vecna had a hold of her.. but she was running from him.

"I'm here, mija," I whisper and cup Max's cheek. "I'm right here, baby girl."

It's quiet for a few minutes. I try to imagine that the others are getting close to Vecna. They were about to hit him where it hurts most.

"So, Billy can control the bats?" Lucas asks- I could tell he was just looking for something to talk about to get his nerves off his mind.

"He can. Dustin said something about 'Kas'?" I recall.

"D and D," Lucas shrugs it off. 

"I figured as much."

I glance over to him. He was staring at Max. His hands were trembling. Then, a tear falls down his cheek. My heart aches at the sight.

"Did you know that Billy was my first love?" I wonder.

"I assumed." Lucas nods. "I still don't get it."

I rest my hand on Max's knee, still rubbing gentle circles through her jeans. It made me feel like I was comforting her- I hoped she could feel it on the other side.

"I don't either, to be honest," I admit. "I don't think you ever really understand love or the things that come with feeling it."

"Then.. what about it does make sense?"

"You never have to wonder if they'll be there. You already know that they will," I begin the list. "And even when things get hard, you know that you'll make it through."

"Why do things have to get hard? Why can't people just.. get together and stay together?"

I give Lucas a knowing smile. He huffs and his shoulders slump.

"No relationship is perfect. Books, movies, and shit might make you think that.. but it isn't reality."

"So, what's reality?"

"Usually it's fighting over dumb shit that means nothing to anyone except you and that person. But, with every fight, you come out of it stronger and knowing the other person better."

"Why do there have to be fights when you love someone, though?"

"That's just life, Lucas. Think about it- have you ever had a fight with Dustin, Will, or Mike?"

"All the time," he groans and rolls his eyes.

"You ever fight with Erica?"

"Only every second of our lives."

"What about your parents? Do you ever get annoyed by them? Raise your voice a little?"

"Yeah.. I feel bad when I do it, too."

MELANCHOLY [S.T. B. Hargrove]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora