Encounters of significance

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There the trio stood in from of the shining gates of UA university, the origin of countless great heroes and now it was there turn to show the world that heroes aren't born their built. Their was just one thing buddy Izuku, the currently loud, nails on chalk annoying voice of one Katsuki Bakugo who was also here for the entrance exam and was currently going off on one about his superiority and how he, a Deku, should just go home or something like that, Izuku was currently tuning him out whilst he waited for Mei and Melissa to arrive. Izuku had always wondered why Bakugo hated him specifically so much for no reason he could comprehend, was it due to a conflicting person of superiority and inferiority, a fundamental issue with his view of the world, the inability to let go of a grudge, a failure of the education system? "Probably all four", Izuku thought to himself. He hadn't seen the angry blonde on well over 10 years and had only interacted with him briefly after an incident 10 months ago.

———10 months in the previously———

Whilst Izuku was taking a walk with Mei and Melissa they decided to take a scenic route when a fowl smell permeated the air just as a manhole cover was flung into the sky.

"Aha, three potential skin suits I'll take one and keep the other two for later". The sludgy villain announced to the utter silence of the three in front of him.

"Oh, scared speechless are we well at least you won't scream that much". He boasted and attacked with sludge tendrils but what he hadn't noticed was that the green one had reached for his belt buckle, as a result his tendrils struck an invisible force in midair.

"A force-field quirk huh, that'll be useful against the guy chasing me now don't resist". The sludge villain yelled only to once again let his lack of perception be his undoing.

The villain suddenly found himself incapacitated and in pain as a high pitched noise enveloped him causing his body to lose its cohesion and melt into an unconsciousness puddle of ooze.

"Well that certainly happened". Izuku said non-plused about the whole ordeal. "Thank goodness I decided to wear the force-field belt today".

"Yeah, good thing I built the sonic cannon into my arm we don't have any of our other weapons on us besides our omnitools". Melissa replied.

"I wonder who was chasing him"? Mei speculated until they heard words they had all heard but 2 hadn't experienced.

"Never fear. Why? Because I am here". Announced the bombastic number 1 hero himself All Might equipped with a mountain of muscle and his eternal smile.

"Detroit SMA..." All Might didn't get a chance to finish before Melissa cried out.

"Uncle Might". She scream as she ran out and hugged him whilst using her cybernetic strength to lift him into the air. "It's so good to see you again you never visit"! She exclaimed, whilst her green and pink haired friends they knew she knew All Might but they rarely asked about him, however right now Izuku was gawking at the number 1 and Mei was not bothered and more interested in the machine she was tinkering with.

"Melissa it's so good to see you again after all these years, how are holding up my little cyborg goddaughter"? He asked hoping the trauma of being kidnapped and mutilated had subsided over the years.

"I'm doing great Uncle Might, oh you've never met my best friends". She said gesturing to her besties.

"Their names are Mei Hatsume, and Izu...". She didn't get a chance to finish.

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