End of the battle trials and a prelude to chaos

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As the last group of students for the day, teams B and C, took their positions the mood was dower for the heroes of team C.

"So... you got any plans to win"? Mina asked Aoyama weakly.

"Non, alas I haven't a plan to earn us a shining victory". The flamboyant 'Frenchman' replied in a defeated tone.

"Ok, so we're up against a guy who can control our minds with his voice and an Amazonian in a suit of armour ripped from a high budget sci-fi film, yeah we're screwed". Mina stated accepting her fate to lose.

"If it is our destiny to lose them we shall do so in style". Replied Aoyama with enthusiasm. "We shall lose on our terms not theirs". He continued attempting to hype up his partner.

"Alright then, let's do this"! Mina yelled with enthusiasm as she and Aoyama attempted to scheme up a decent plan.

———Bomb room———

Shinso was nerves to say the least. Not to be fighting other people in the hero course, no he had a modicum of confidence in his abilities to win. No what he was nervous about was how he was going to impress the nearly six foot tall blonde Amazonian genius in power armour that was his partner for the exercise.

"So... you got a plan Shield-san"? Shinso asked nervously.

"Just an me Melissa it's easier, and in terms of plans I was actually hoping to rely of than overpowered ability of yours". Melissa replied happily, getting a significant amount of blush out of Shinso only covered by his voice modulator.

"Oh... sure I am at your disposal, M... Melissa". Replied Shinso flustered by Melissa's casual attitude and apparent plan to rely on his ability.

"So from what I've seen both our opponents like to talk, Mina loves to make conversation and Aoyama likes drawing attention to himself so my plan is to get that voice modulator of yours to mimic one of their voices to immediately take one of them out the fight, so take your pick, Mina or Aoyama"? Melissa elaborated in detail as Shinso followed along as best he could.

"I'll take Mina, so does that mean you've got Aoyama"? Shinso asked.

"Yup I've got the Frenchman and you've got the alien, now here's how we're gonna divide and conquer". Melissa said as she began to explain her plan.

———5 minutes later———

"Heroes may now enter the building". Announced All Might over the speakers.

As the hero team entered the building they noticed that the lights where all off, to avoid drawing attention to themselves they refrained from attending to turn them back on and thusly stuck together to avoid being picked off.

Then suddenly Mina heard Aoyama speak.

"Scuse me Mina, quick question"? A voice from the darkness asked.

"Yeah Aoya...". Was as far as she got before Shinso took her mind and her comm piece was hacked by Melissa giving control to Shinso in order to silently relay orders to Mina.

"Young Ashido has been captured". Came All Mights voice telling Aoyama he was now alone.

So Aoyama suddenly found himself alone and rather nervous having lost his partner to the darkness wielding his voice. He then walked through a door backwards to avoid a sneak attack, unfortunately for him however.

"Hey Aoyama". Said Melissa from the middle of the room Aoyama just walked into.

The hero in knightly armour then spun on his heels and fired his navel laser directly at Melissa only for Melissa to catch and absorb the beam using her right hand.

Metal Soul, Heroes Heart, and Dirty Hands {on hiatus}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora