I'll tear out your circuits, and bathe in your oil

434 11 7

Massacre, verb, deliberately and brutally kill.

A word that perfectly described what was occurring in arenas A, C, and D as robots were being slaughtered left and right by three individuals all wearing beaming smiles, and wielding junk built weapons and firing various energy blasts and projectiles.

———Arena A———

Izuku had wrecked about 7 robots worth about 18 points between them using his own physical abilities, and had repurposed their oiling corpses into an ionic energy rifle using their power sources as ammunition by overloading them and as each additional robot fell his ammunition count increased until each power source burnt out. With this weapon in hand he has destroyed around 40 points worth of robots.

"I wonder how the other two are doing"? Izuku pondered to himself as he melted a three pointer.

———Arena C———

Whilst Izuku was reenacting the Texas chainsaw massacre with robots and lasers, Mei was busy reenacting Omniman's annihilation of the Flaxans with her bear hands as she tears through every machine in her path having gained around 38 points in just over a minute and was showing absolutely no sign of slowing down, she was however get very bored of just punching the robots so she decided to spice things up a bit.

She, much like Izuku, crafted a weapon from the robot corpses but instead of an ion rifle she built a coil gun using the robot's magnetics and springs. The gun hit with force of 3 sticks of dynamite per projectile.

"This is fun, wonder how much fun Izu and Melissa are having"? Mei thought to herself as she got a collateral with three two pointers.

———Arena D———

Lastly, Melissa was running around her arena giggling like a 9 year old as she butchered bots left and right using her bare hands. Until she like the other two decided to forge a weapon to made the job easier and much more fun. She tore into a three pointer and crafted a giant hammer and axe each she worked with only one hand.

She rip and tore through dozens of bots before spotting a boy with purple hair and eye she moping around with a defeated look on his face.

"His quirk must not be combat oriented, god this institution needs to think of a better way of selection heroes beyond pomp and flash". Melissa thought to herself as she approached him.

"Here you go". She said handing the boy her axe having first downsized it for her body type.

"What's this for"? The boy asked incredulously looking at the blonde amazonian in front of him.

"For killing bots to get into the hero course, that's why your here right"? Melissa replied.

"Thanks I... I guess". The purple haired boy replied with blush tinting his cheeks. "I'm Shinso by the way, what's your name"? He asked quietly.

"Melissa Shield". She replied with gusto. "Hope to see you in the hero course Shinso". She said giving him a pat on the back before leaving to go crush more robots.

"Hope to see you too". Shinso replied under his breath before going after a two pointer.

———Within the observation room———

"We've got a decent crop this year". Said Ectoplasm has he observed the young adults fight the robots with all manner of quirk and tactics, eyeing a blind boy producing explosions, and a red head punching robots with hardened skin.

Metal Soul, Heroes Heart, and Dirty Hands {on hiatus}Where stories live. Discover now