USJ pt. 2

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The plan was simple the remaining 14 students at the USJ entrance would split into teams of two, with Iida acting as speedy support for any injured who needed to be taken to the entrance for immediate medical attention, and Jiro as overwatch using her enhanced hearing to codec to warn allies about incoming enemy reinforcements. Each team would go section by section assisting their fellow student. The teams would then converge back at the entrance in order to wait for the UA staffs arrival.

Team 1, consisted of Ururaka and Setsuna Tokage, who could split her body into sections, fly/levitate, as well as regenerate lost sections. They would go to the Ruins zone, Setsuna's flight would allow for easy reconnaissance whilst Ururaka's zero gravity would let her weaponise the environment.

Team 2, consisted of Shoji and Shihai Kuroiro, who could merge with and travel through shadows. They would scale the Mountain zone and assist whomever needed it, Shoji's shapeshifting limbs allows for omnidirectional awareness, whilst Kuroiro could travel through all the dark cracks for reconnaissance and sneak attacks.

Team 3, consisted of Sero and Ibara Shiozaki, who's hair was made of thorny vines that she could manipulate at will. They would enter the Downpour storm zone and help out best they could. Both had effective capture quirks and could easily move through their environments.

Team 4, consisted of Tokoyami and Reiko Yanagi, who possesses limited telekinetic abilities, enough to lift anothing the size of a person. They would climb the Landslide zone and assist their fellow students. Both had quirks suited for the terrain, Tokoyami and Dark Shadow could easily deal with debris and enemies whilst Reiko could disrupt the enemy, fling rocks, and save downed allies.

Team 5, consisted of Izuku and Mei. They would fly to the Flood zone and assist in any way possible.

Lastly team 6, consisted of Melissa and Rin Hiryu, who could grow and launch durable reptilian scales. They would enter the Conflagration zone and get a handle on things. Melissa's suit made her fireproof whilst Rin's scales made him resistant to the heat.

With each team assigned and with Iida and Jiro on standby and looking after 13's unconscious body, they split up and got to work.

———Ruins zone———

As Ururaka and Setsuna made their way to the Ruin zone they used their codec to find out that Bakugo, Kamakiri, Tooru, and Bondo where all currently engaged in combat with villains. Kamakiri relayed that he and Torru where on the top floor of the ruins dealing with a lady whose body was comprised of stone, Bondo was creating glue traps and dealing with low tier thugs, whilst Bakugo simply told them all to fuck off as he could handle himself.

"And I thought our blond had an ego, at least ours like his own class". Setsuna lamented to Ururaka.

"You have no idea". Replied Ururaka exasperated with her explosive classmate.

Whilst the duo made this way towards their closest friend, in this case Bondo, in order to assist them we see Kamakiri, a boy who appeared to be part insect and could manifest blades from any body part, fighting the previously mentioned stone lady.

The lady stood almost 6 feet tall and had an hourglass figure, her hair was burgundy and she wore a dark purple dress with the right thigh cut. Her most striking feature however was her grey granular textured stone skin which appeared to have a polished sheen, that was currently repelling every attack Kamakiri was throwing at her.

"Damn it, how durable are you, I know my blades can cut steel yet your skin isn't even chipped"? Asked Kamakiri in a rhetorical manner.

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