Preparations for war

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This chapter is a result of sudden inspiration an enthusiasm, please wait a while for a proper continuation.

It had been 5 days since the USJ incident occurred, it was Sunday now, and the mood had significantly improved. After fighting alongside one another in what could only be described as 'death matches' with villains the two classes of 1A and 1B had begun deepening their relationship with one another, however many still had lingering fear from the attack, but the university ordered everyone to take sessions with Hound Dog, this helped and any other lingering effects faded with continuous social interaction.

After the attack the university cancelled all classes for the foreseeable future which had allocated for  a period of peace which in turn allowed the two classes to intermingle. By the 4th day all the social cliques had been established, with everyone having at least a couple of friends and acquaintances. The two  exceptions where of course Bakugo who's toxic and egotistical personality isolated and alienated himself from the rest of the students, and Monoma who attempted to play up his role in the USJ and as well as downplay and degrade Melissa which only causes his classmates to dislike him. The only student who attempted to socialise with them was Kirishima who, bless his heroic heart, tried his best but only got threats and degrading words from Bakugo and a condescending speech about pity from Monoma.

Ignoring the two blonde assholes however everyone was getting along, our trio had met more intellectuals other than Momo, such as Shishida who despite his animalistic appearance was rather Shakespearean in his mannerisms and intelligence, and they found a fellow pre-quirk nerd in Kodai who had an obsession with Tokustasu culture and giant robots. When they told her about their suits her eyes boggled with excitement and she begged them to make her a new hero costume, and a giant robot which Melissa immediately turned down, but Mei gave her a wink, which led to most of both classes asking for suits and tech from the trio as well, too wit the trio agreed, the trio filled an entire notebook with requests and ideas, but informed everyone that it would take a while.

—first day back—

Then finally Monday rolled around and classes started back up again. As the class took their seats for morning roll call the mood was notably mixed with many still on edge because of the USJ.

"So who do you guys think will take our roll call today"? Asked Kaminari broadly.

"Probably Midnight or Present Mic since Aizawa sensei was injured at the USJ". Momo replied cordially.

As the class continued debating who would cover for Aizawa the door opened, causing everyone's heads to swivel in its direction, only to reveal Aizawa, perfectly healthy one might add. The majority of the class was confused and quite until a certain frog girl broke the tension.

"Aizawa sensei your okay, I thought you'd look like a mummy all wrapped in bandages with how injured you were. Ribbit". She stated with all the tact of sledgehammer.

"I would be in bandages, had it not been for a certain procedure that I can't mention due to an NDA, but anyway that's not important right now". He replied getting confused looks from the majority of the class.

"What NDA is he talking about"? Was the main thing the majority of the class were thinking.


Our trio find themselves in Recovery Girls medical ward looking over both Eraserhead and Vlad King, both looking like Egyptian mummies with all their bandages.

"Sorry to ask for your help again dearies, but it's going to take weeks for me to heal them using my quirk, think you could help out a senior citizen by giving them some of that extremis stuff"? Recovery girl asked kindly referring to Melissa's previous assistance with Todoroki and hoping to get a positive answer now.

Metal Soul, Heroes Heart, and Dirty Hands {on hiatus}Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ