Preparations and the Battle for Kamino Ward

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—UA: Night of the attack—

As our motley band of heroes to be were fighting for their lives in a forest 50 miles away, something else was happening at UA.

Nezu had assembled a team of pro heroes in front of the trios gate they'd built at UA before leaving for summer training.

All Might, Edgeshot, Gang Orca, Kamui Woods, Best Jeanist, Ryukyu, Mt. Lady, Gran Torino, the rest of UA hero staff, and many more all waited in a lab room after having been told to touch absolutely nothing, looking at a portal gate.

Nezu had of course had every hero sign a non-disclosure agreement on the threat of 'termination' if they spoke about the technology, naturally, they all agreed.

However, the heroes were getting restless, and many of them were wondering if the 'attack' was a hoax to redirect powerful heroes for some reason or another. All Might however silenced their worries by telling them he had absolute faith in the trio's intelligence.

At that moment Nezu received a codec communication at 11:37.

As he spoke with his students, expecting a warning of the portal opening, he was met with anguish and words of failure.

As this happened his computer pinged, informing him that Mei-day had finally cracked Kurogiri's identity, the trio had asked Nezu to keep an eye on it whilst they were gone, and the results made the rodent's heart sink.

He knew who Kurogiri was, and what's worse. So did Aizawa, Hizashi, and Numuri.

"Goodness, usually I thrive in chaos, but today has left me feeling exhausted, and their still more to do" Nezu thought to himself, as he finished his cup of tea and walked over to the heroes to tell them the news as well as their next move.

—UA: After the attack—

It was around 12:09 at night when everyone got back. The trio used their reactors to power the gate and get everyone back to UA, as well as let the heroes apprehend the defeated villains.

Muscular, Moonfish, Toga, Mustard, and Twice were all apprehended and sent to a police station for questioning and processing, whilst the original green NOMU's corpse was collected along with the brain-dead jammer NOMU.

The injured and unconscious hero students were all sent to UA's medical wing, along with the injured WWPCs, to get treated by Recovery Girl as well as several other doctors who Nezu had quickly called in.

Thankfully most of the students were unharmed with the worst injuries being concussions and lacerations of a none-lethal nature. However, the students who were caught in the gas attack were another issue entirely, as after some 'convincing', read: borderline threatening from Aizawa and Vlad, Mustard told them that the length of exposure equated to how long the student would we out cold which meant it could take hours to days for them to wake up, thought thankfully the gas was none-lethal and held no pathogens or viruses.

Meanwhile, as everyone was regrouping in their respective dorms two questions came up.

What happened to Himura and Tokoyami?

And where was Aoyama as they saw the young man was uninjured but was taken by the heroes to somewhere.

In light of these questions Aizawa saw the logic in just telling the class the answers, and so he did.

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