10 months and entrance exam begins

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Over the course of the ten months leading up to the entrance exams our trio weren't idle, as each month they dedicated themselves to improving upon their strengths and countering their weaknesses.

———10 months until the exam———

For the first month the trio took Melissa's latest version of Extremis, the type 4, which included not only biological improvements but nanotechnological improvements as well. When they took the serum each of them found themselves cocooned within a semi-organic scab pod as within their bodies where altered at the genetic level. When they all awoke 2 weeks later they took stock of their combined improvements.

For starters all three of them had been given peak human physical fitness along with the removal of the basic human limiter allowing them to improve at their own physical abilities at their own behest and rate. Along with that all their senses had skyrocketed allowing for no blind spots in their eyes along with night vision, hearing refined enough to hear clearly over loud sounds and separate individual noises, improved smell and taste that could discern toxic substances, and an immaculate sense of touch, these however where basic changes compared to the big ones. Firstly all their skeletons had been laced with tungsten carbide that permitted blood production and enhanced durability, their nerves had been laminated to prevent Alzheimer's disease and improve reflexes and memory, their cells had been fused with nanotech that accelerated healing and prevented cancerous growths and other genetic diseases, lastly they're hearts had all been layered with electrostatic polymers to improve heart rate and breathing control.

However, the biggest change each of them had was located in their chests and skulls, a combination of the trios efforts, each had a combination of Izuku's arc reactor and Melissa's nanotech breeder implemented into their torsos between their lungs and linked to their spines which simultaneously linked it to Mei's neurokinetic transmitter which allowed the trio to call upon their nanotech and more importantly their battle suits with but a simple thought.

They spent the rest of the months settling into to their new biology.

———9 months until the exam———

Throughout the next 5 months the trio focused on their physical abilities and tactical analysis skills to prepare for the entrance exam as without the deans approval they could use any of their tech, which was fine with them since they wanted to prove that even without a quirk a person could pass the exam for the hero course with rate ability alone.

For the duration of the 5 months the trio not only pushed their physical abilities to their absolute limits and beyond and war gamed thousands of combat scenarios involving different quirks and weapons but each took to mastering a type of martial arts to fall back on if their weapons or suits somehow failed them.

Izuku looked into martial arts that focused on aggression and ending fights fast and efficiently, to this end he took up Krav Maga, kung-fu, and taekwondo. Melissa however looked into more defensive martial arts such as jujutsu, Muay Thai, and sambo. Lastly Mei preferred more long range engagement so she simply went to gun ranges and learnt eskrima for fights that forced direct confrontation.

———4 months until the exam———

Over the last 4 months leading up to the support exam and the hero exam the trio built as varied an arsenal as they could as well as improving upon older ones, using old blueprints, currently available technology, comics, television, and videogames for inspiration and in doing so amassed an arsenal straight out of science fiction. However the arsenal was so vast and varied that they could realistically carry many around with scaring people are safely insert them into their nanotech, Mei proposed a portal or spatial pocket system to allow for easy access and swapping, unfortunately however none of them had the slightest clue on how to even begin without a baseline like a spatial warp or teleportation quirk. (Wink, wink, nudge, nudge)

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