USJ pt. 4

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———Downpour zone———

As Ibara and Sero made their way towards the Downpour zone they used their codec to determine who was inside the zone and who required help. They found out that most of the villains had already been beaten with only two tensing, Kendo and Aoyama where battling a man who could turn his limbs into water, whilst Komori and Shinso where fighting another man in a white mask who appeared to be able to manipulate the rain. The rescue duo split up to assist their classmates.

As Sero made his way towards how classmates he caught site of enemy giving them so much trouble, the man's physique was straight out of an 80s action film, his hair was brown and short,  he wore a blue jumpsuit and a ferocious face not too dissimilar from Bakugo's. The most notable trait was however of course his water limbs that where currently trying to crush Kendo and Aoyama.

"Hey guys I'm here to help"! Sero exclaimed whilst waving to his friend's whilst simultaneously informing the villain of his existence.

"Great another hero twerp, I hate you self righteous assholes, always taking the credit from real heroes". The villain exclaimed which caused Sero to recognise him.

"Hey your that ex-firefighter who turned to villainy after too many heroes took credit for your actions, Aquaman or something". Sero blurted out, somewhat stunning the villain.

"Hydroman, and yeah that's me, and I'm here to kill all you trumped up glory hogs, now die". The villain stated as he raced towards Sero with fist upraised, but this tunnel vision allowed Aoyama to hit the man in the back with his quirk sending the villain over Sero's head and crashing into a fake building.

"Nice shot Aoyama"! Sero yelled at his far off friend who's only response was to pose dramatically with a smug smile.

"FUCK, you damn bastards, I'll kill you all, enough having fun, PREPARE TO DIE"! The villain yelled with a crazed face with a bleeding scale as he jammed a syringe of red liquid into his neck, he then began absorbing as much water in the local vicinity causing his limbs to vastly increase in size and morph until he stood 25 feet tall in a mech suit comprised of water, only his face is outside the water to allow himself to breathe.

"YOU GOTTA BE SHITTING ME, HOW DID HE DO THAT"! Kendo yelled watching this monstrosity rise.

"He jammed a needle in his neck, I think it might have been trigger". Sero replied nervously.

"Dieu dans le ciel comment pouvons-nous faire face à un tel monstre"? (god in heaven how do we face such a monster) Aoyama stated in utter terror.

"Sero does your tape dissolve in water"? Kendo asked the tape user quickly thinking of a plan.

"Uh, yeah, but only temporarily, about 8 seconds before it dissolves, why though, he could easily snap my tape before I grab him"? Sero replied with some confusion to Kendo's intentions.

"I have plan, Aoyama, I know I may be asking a lot but I need you to continuously blast that guy until I can set up with Sero, I have a plan but we need some time". Kendo told the 'Frenchman' getting a queasy look from him.

"Moui mademoiselle, I can, just please be quick my tummy doesn't like long usage periods". Aoyama replied with an uneasy confidence.

At this point Hydroman had just gotten use to his new tremendous power and size, but was unprepared for Aoyama's barrage of attacks and Kendo's plan.

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