Aftermath and innovation

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After Izuku finished explaining the situation to All Might he, along with Melissa and Mei left the USJ and went to check in their classmates, they were also informed by Nezu, who had arrived with the other teachers, that they'd have to undergo and interrogation/interview with the police when they arrived. They accepted this and continued on towards their fellow classmates in order to check up on them.

Thankfully most of the students were mostly uninjured with the majority simply suffering cuts and bruises, however that didn't mean everyone was ok as when the trio got to the ambulances that had been set and asked around they got the worrying results from their other classmates, some injuries where lite such as Mina's burns and Aoyama's quirk exhaustion, however many had suffered greater injuries both Bakugo and Hagakure had suffered internal organ damage from their fights, Shoji was covered in claw marks, Shihai had suffered an ankle slash just above his tendon, Sero's left arm as broken in several places and had a concussion, Shinso has also suffered a concussion, Tetsutetsu has suffered a claw swipe to his eyes that could potentially lead to blindness, Kaibara had suffered frostbite but not nearly as badly Todoroki who's body temperature was in the single digits and his right side was almost entirely iced over to the point where he was immediately rushed away for intensive care.

"Hope you recover soon Todoroki". Izuku thought to himself as his name was called a detective to get his story for the situation.

During his interview with a detective named Tsukauchi he mentioned how the NOMU had multiple quirks which caused the man to flinch slightly which didn't escape Izuku's notice but the man carried on anyway.

"He knows something about the NOMU doesn't he"? Izuku thought to himself, intending to bring it up with Melissa and Mei later on.

—later on—

After the interviews all the students were sent back to dorms, many where shaken and exhausted from the days events. Melissa was however absent, apparently Recovery girl called for her asking for extremis to heal Todoroki's frostbite so she had to rush off.

When she got back she found both Izuku and Mei in the main room kicking everyone's butts in videogames, she approached them and asked if they could join her in their room later as she had something to tell and show them to which they agreed to do so right after they curb stomp Kaminari and Kirishima for the fifth time.

—the trios room—

"So Melissa what is it you wanted to show and tell us"? Izuku asked as he closed the door as he and Mei sat down in their favourite beanbags.

"Firstly I think I may have come up with a solution to our armoury problem". She started, referring to how they had to pick and choose their weapons or use lessers versions generated by their suits.

"Oh, how's that"? Mei asked with intrigue.

Melissa then simply actives the trio's holotable and uploaded some biometric data she got from one of the villains from the USJ.

"Remember that Kurogiri guy with the warp quirk". She asked getting a nod from Mei and a grin from Izuku.

"You want me to reverse engineer the quirk to create portal technology as well as use the NOMU's data to create stronger regeneration extremis don't you". He stated confidently getting a smile from Melissa.

"Yes if you can somehow create portal tech then not only would it allow us unlimited access to our arsenal but we could completely undermine every type of engine based transportation, not only that but if we could unlock the beasts regeneration we could heal any wound". Melissa replied with bounce in her voice.

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