Aftermath of Chaos, Innovation and Relaxation, and the Future

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As light shone through the curtains, Izuku stirred awake. As he looked around he saw Mei in the bed next to him on his left, and further on he saw Melissa without her limbs.

"Ahh... right. We got our asses kicked by that monster. I just hope Yagi won". Izuku mumbled to himself.

"I did, young Midoriya". Yagi's voice came from the doorway.

As Izuku looked over the other two stirred awake to see Yagi all wrapped in bandages, his right arm the most wrapped.

"So... I'm assuming the serum worked"? Izuku asked.

"Yes. I channelled all the power of OFA and smashed in AFO's head, and even though he's somehow still kicking, he's not going anywhere... *grunt of pain... after the battle he was shipped off to Tartarus and is now under the most absolute lock and key possible. Plus his body is so mangled and broken he's permanently on death's door now and requires 24-7 medical attention, so he's not going anywhere". Yagi explained as he nursed his aching arm, the bone having been shattered.

"That's good, but... now what? All Might can't continue now can he". Melissa stated as she wriggled to look at her godfather.

"You're right Melissa. All Might cannot continue, I've known that ever since I got injured, but after you healed me I began planning my retirement with Nezu. However, he tells me you have something planned and it sounds far too fun to pass up and retire". Yagi explained, eluding to the trio's international plans.

"Does that mean you want us to make you a new baby to wear to continue being a hero"? Mei asked, as her mind buzzed with new ideas.

"I would be honoured for you three to help me continue as a hero, but not as All Might. That name is who I was when I had a quirk, now I need to be the quirkless hero I swore I would be when I was younger, the type of hero you three represent. Not a symbol of peace, but one of Hope". Yagi explained, getting smiles from the trio as he praised them and accepted their help.

"So... what were your original retirement plans"? Mei asked, curiously.

"I had initially planned to tell the public this year that I'd be retiring in 3 years, to ease people into a world without All Might and let me get better at teaching the next generation. But now, I plan to join in on your plan and remain 'here' and continue being the hero to ease people's fears". Yagi explained, thinking of the future.

The trio then looked at each other with smiles, but before they could begin scheming Yagi interrupted them.

"But for right now you three get done well-earned rest. Your parents will be here soon to take you back to UA, and you'll need the all strength you can muster.". Yagi explained with a chuckle, only to be knocked over as the door burst open.

"IZUKU/MELISSA/MEI"!!! The trio's parents all cried out with emotion as they swarmed their respective children in crushing hugs.


After 3 days at the hospital, the trios extremis had healed enough to let them clear for leave, and David had brought Melissa replacement limbs. They soon found themselves back at the dorms.

And as soon as they opened the door...

"IZUKU/MIDORIYA/MIDORI/IZUBRO/GREEN/MELISSA/MELI/SHEILD/BLONDIE/MEI/HASUME/PINK"!!! The class all collectively cried out as they too suffocated the trio in a massive hug pile.

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