Battle trials part. 1

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———Gamma field observation room———

As the two teams of A and D made their way to the fake building with team A entering and team D waiting outside the atmosphere was filled with speculation of who would come out on top, their was also an air of excitement at getting to see how well Hatsume's battle suit faired in open combat against quirks.

"So who you you guys think will win"? Asked Mina to no one in particular.

"One could posit that the hero team would win due to Todoroki's control over his ice along with Tsu's (Tsuyu asked everyone to call her Tsu during the introduction last chapter) agility and range of abilities, however we have no idea what Hatsume's suit is capable of, it's weaponry, abilities, and mechanisms are all a mystery to us. Along with the weapons we saw her carrying and Ururaka's ability to nullify gravity, I can't give an accurate prediction without any significant evidence". Replied Momo with a voice mired in curiosity.

"An apt observation young Yoayarozu, whilst young Todoroki's quirk my be the strongest in this scenario, quirks are however merely tools much like young Hatsume's suit and that if used improperly may lead to defeat, however young Todoroki's capabilities were revealed yesterday during the apprehension test whilst young Hatsume's suits abilities where not and underestimating it would be highly foolish. Remember no matter how powerful you may be never underestimate an opponent and always study them for openings and weaknesses". Interjected All Might with boisterous confidence in his wisdom, to the gratitude of of many in the class and the undisguised contempt of a certain blonde.

"You've got this Mei we believe in you". Both Izuku and Melissa thought simultaneously.

———Inside the fake building———

Tsu was inspecting the fake papier-mâché bomb whilst Todoroki had a look of total indifference on his face.

"We should probably think of a plan of defence, ribbit". Stated Tsu bluntly.

"No need I can do this myself". Replied Todoroki bitterly to Tsu's surprise.

"Heroes may now enter the building". Announced All Might of the speaker system.

After about a minute Todoroki suddenly froze the entire building.

"There, they've been captured". Stated Todoroki with cool confidence as he waited for his declaration of victory for the hero, but none came instead another noise erupted from the north wall.


Suddenly the north wall was annihilated by an explosion which knocked Todoroki violently onto his keister. The young man stood back up and looked out the giant hole only to see both Mei and Ururaka floating outside with Mei holding a sci-fi bazooka and Ururaka holding a strange rod.

———Flashback to about 5 minutes ago———

We see both Mei and Ururaka planning their infiltration of the building.

"So, we all clear on the plan"? Asked Mei enthusiastically.

"Yes, first we fly up to the room with the bomb located in it, which you found using your scanner thingies, with me using my zero-gravity and you use your boot repulsers, then you blast a hole in the north wall with your..." Ururaka said confidently until the last part not remembering Mei's description of her weapon.

"Cold-fusion cannon using an arc reactor as ammo, jeez its like I didn't just explain it". Mei said, as she caressed her favourite weapon. It has been crafter from the removable armour modules, each module was a chunk of nanotech that could be assembled into different configurations for different weapons. The cold-fusion cannon was a bazooka shaped weapon that launched fusion energy missiles and could be fired as a continuous fusion laser, she dis however have to directly link her own reactor to the weapon to power it. Ever since Mei met Izu and Meli her habit of causing explosions had significantly subsided however her affinity and love of explosions never went away and this weapon was the antithesis of her love of science as affirm for destruction.

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