Technology vs conviction

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"The week had been going so well". Was the main thought inside Izuku's head as he punched an eyeless NOMU in the face, as Hosu burned around him, civilians screamed in terror, and his two closest friends dash off to save their classmates from a serial killer.

"How did we get here, from simple patrols and installations, to life and death fights in a crowded street". Izuku continued to think to himself as he yanked Manual out the way of an attack from a NOMU with four eyes using his gyrokinetic module.

—Flashback to the day prior—

The trio had spent the last two days going on numerous patrols with Midnight, and assisting the police in installing the utilities required to house the new suits they sold them.

Midnight was an 'interesting' internship mentor to say the least, she seem to flip between a sort of professional tone of horny, to a genuinely horny tone.

This was most evident on their first patrol where they encountered a robbery on in progress with armed thieves, Midnight put on her professional horny tone to distract the thieves whilst the trio dealt with civilian traffic and prevention of escape. During the encounter one of thieves grabbed a female civilian and threatened her to shoot her or anyone who approached, in response Izuku activated his force-field and casually approached, and as a result the thief opened fire with every shot deflecting off the barrier until the firearm ran dry. Izuku then punched the guys lights out, as a thank you the civilian hugged Izuku. This caused Midnight to use her genuinely horny tone on an attempt to tease Izuku, asking if either Mei or Melissa, who where at the time tying up the thieves, would be jealous.

Izuku immediately informed Midnight that he viewed both young woman as sisters not love interests, to wit Midnight pouted massively, but accepted it as she walked over the police who had just arrived.

The trio spent most of their time after that helping Midnight deal with small scale incidents all over the city of Musutafu. From robberies, to assault and batteries, to drug deals, as well as working on a side project for a friend. Not much really challenged the trio in any significant way, none of the criminals and 'villains' really had any way to threaten the trio, who's tech was constantly admired by the crowds they drew wherever they went, being asked for autographs and photos with the trio.

The trio were a nearly brought to tears due to how happy they were at the praise. Mei was happy her babies where being praised by the general public. Whilst Izuku and Melissa were happy because, well, they were quirkless and were being praised for being heroes, the very profession they'd been made fun of for aspiring towards.

However, their relatively upbeat week ended on Thursday as Midnight entered the trios workshop and told them some very significant news.

"Suit up my sweeties, we're going hunting in Hosu". Midnight states as she saunters in, her hips swaying side to side.

"Why Hosu"? Izuku asked, curiously.

"Yeah isn't that were the Hero Killer is, we're just students, besides I heard they were making a task force to deal with him". Melissa points out.

"Your both right, and speaking of that task force, apparently the chief of Hosu police called up Nezu and asked for you three, by name". Midnight explains with a smirk, stunning the trio.

"So I'm guessing they asked for us, because they want to us to use our babies to catch the killer"? Mei asks.

"I wasn't given details but I'm sure your right". Midnight replies, as the trio get up and head towards the changing rooms.

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