Introductions, truths, and battle suits

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After the physical and emotional rollercoaster that was the assessment test Aizawa dismissed the class telling them to get changed, go get their student syllabus, then left. This left our intrepid trio along with the rest of the class on their own in the middle of the field slightly bewildered at their teachers methods but all in all relieved to have survived the first lesson, which made one pink girl extremely happy.

"Hooray we all get to stay and become friends". The pink girl yelled with gusto and joy which caused many smiles, a bit of mirth, and a certain blonde and a certain white and red haired boy to simultaneously scowl, mutter something, and leave with auras or anger and self-importance.

"How about when we're all done changing we introduced ourselves to one another along with our likes, dislikes, and quirks. We are going to know each other for then next few years no point in being strangers". Suggested the invisible girl with bounce and spirit a plenty.

And so they did, they all got changed again, once again our trio were complimented only this time on their abilities, which again pissed off Bakugo again as it set off his inferiority complex, and they all made their way back to the dorms.


As the invisible girl suggested each of them individually took a stand in the main room and laid out their name, age, likes, dislikes, and quirks. (You all already know everyones names and quirks). With the exception of Todoroki who simply went to his room and locked the door, Bakugo who said her was the strongest and they should all just give up now, everyone's introduction went well, even Shinso's who was surprised at everyone praising how cool his quirk was which causes him to blush not use to the praise.

However when it came to our trio things quickly turned nerve-racking for both Izuku and Melissa as they were quirkless and feared that they may be treated due to this fact so they made a decision. After Mei finished introducing herself, both Izuku and Melissa went up together and after introducing themselves, expressing their love of the sciences and pre-quirk comics as well as a few dislikes, they confessed simultaneously.

"I'm quirkless". They both said in unison fear filling their voices.

"BULLSHIT". Was the first reply from the angry blonde with all the subtlety of a nuclear explosion.

"YOU USED SOME TELEKINESIS SHIT TO FLY AND YOU INCREASED YOUR STRENGTH WITH THAT BLACK SLUDGE YOU LYING DEKU". He continued to the undisguised contempt of everyone else in the room.

"Not that I would phrase it as brutishly as Bakugo but his point stands, you both clearly possess quirks similar to Hatsume's". Interjected Iida.

"It's no lie, both me and Izu are completely quirkless, the fantastical abilities you all witnessed between the three of us were a result of technological and biological enhancements that we invented". Replies Melissa, deactivating the nano-camo that hid her robotic limbs, to the surprise of everyone in the room having never heard of technology that allowed for telekinesis.

"So wait, you three are, cyborgs"? Asked Kaminari.

"Yes, technically". Replied Izuku, slightly taken aback by everyone just accepting that he and Melissa were quirkless.

"So cool and manly, you got into UA without a quirk". Yelled Kirishima enthusiastically.

"Wait you aren't going to judge us based off our status". Asked Izuku bewildered, having looked into the depressing lives of other quirkless people and fearing the worst.

"You three decided your own path to becoming a hero, and besides why should any of us judge you on something you can't control". Replied Yaoyarozu with Jiro nodding in agreement.

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