The Finals Pt. 1

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—UA: Teacher conference room—

Whilst the first year student were preparing for their finals, both mentally and physically. The teachers were facing their own challenges. Now initially the planning session on who would face who was easy, until they got too the trio and Bakugo, both of which possessed their own problems. For one thing, any team with any of the trio would likely win effortlessly due to the trio's intelligence, technology, and skill, none of which they could limit since the test was meant to force the students to their limits with everything at their disposal. So finally, after dozens of solutions where suggested and rejected, Aizawa spoke up.

"All of us fight them, plus a little extra". Aizawa suggests, causing every head in the room to turn to him.

"Don't you think that's a little excessive Aizawa, their just first years". Hound Dog states.

"Their not just first years. Their the strongest first years in the history of this institution, think about it. Midoriya's suit has a force-field that can repel anything and his Gilgamight limbs can match All Might holding back, Shields suit can be augmented to counter any of us with specific equipment, Hatsume's suit can shapeshift to counter any enemy, and along with all that they're all martial artist and likely all have access to those anti-quirk cubes and tracker cuffs. Even with the 'little extra' I suggested, I think they'd still come out victorious". Aizawa explains logically, he knew his limitations and the limitations of the teachers, so he knew his students would win even when numerically overwhelmed.

"And what would this 'little extra" be"? Ectoplasm ask's curiously.

"Additional pros brought in to challenge the trios limits". Aizawa explains, causing conversation to break out amongst the teachers.

Eventually Nezu's voice silenced all conversation.

"I agree with Aizawa. Midoriya, Shield, and Hatsume, have all proven themselves extraordinary students with technology beyond even my intelligence. Aizawa I'll put you in charge of acquiring the pros you think will push the trio to their limits. Any questions".? Nezu explains calmly, and as for if anyone had any questions, we'll no one could think of anything better.

"Now let's move onto the last student. Young Bakugo". Nezu states, causing an exhaustive groan to emit from everyone's mouths.

They all knew that Bakugo was going to be the hardest to test. His blatant disregard for teamwork would likely lead to his and his teammates defeat by forcing 1v1s. Which the staff saw as unfair to the blonde's teammates. They all agreed that failing someone because they're partner actively sabotaged them was just unfair, even Aizawa agreed. And they couldn't just put the young man in the 1v1 he wanted, because then the lawyers that saved his from the vigilantism charges could just swoop in and say the test was rigged against him.

So eventually, a certain number 1 hero spoke up.

"A 1v3 against me, with a twist". Small Might suggests, from his corner of the table.

"Please explain All Might, why a 1v3, and what twist would you employ"? Nezu asks the hero.

"Firstly, the 1v3 serves 2 purposes. 1. The trio are already fighting together leaving 17 other students in 1A so someone would have to endure a 1v1, so put them with Bakugo an his teammate and the two of them can work together to get points in teamwork together and lessen Bakugo's sabotage. And 2. The test involve 'civilians' to save, with the final score having a civilians saved factor". Small Might explains.

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