USJ pt. 1

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The mood was, tense to say the least amongst the UA staff after the break in, as they met to discuss their future plans and the upcoming USJ trip with the hero students. They had just finished viewing the school's security cameras and found something disturbing, a blackish purple portal opened right out sight the teachers offices and a strange hooded man exited, entered the room and then left with what looked to be a manilla folder which they discovered had a copy of the hero course timetables in it.

"So, what's the plan moving forward regarding this brazen attack and the upcoming trip to the USJ"? Asked Midnight.

"Yeah, how we gonna keep the little listeners safe if these guys not only know our moves but can just portal in whenever they want"? Asked Present Mic slightly above room volume.

Many of the teachers at this time at looks of worry strewn across their faces and those with covered faces like 13 and Ectoplasm gave of an aura of anxiety.

"Fear not for I have a cunning plan". Replied the dean with an air of confidence in his voice causing everyone to look in his direction with anticipation.

"You three may enter". The dean announced looking directly at the doors.

The doors then opened to reveal our trio entering holding numerous inventions they been working on since the break in occurred.

"What diabolical plan do you have planned for my students Nezu"? Asked Aizawa with an air of caution and slight fear.

"I'll let them answer that". Replied Nezu confidently gesturing to the trio.

Our trio first explain how their going to upload the Mei-day AI to the school system and upload all important documents to a closed server as well as add more security cameras around the school and its various entrances, when doubts were raised they explained that Mei-day can operate down to the picosecond and only hacked by someone with an innate understanding of her DNA systems which only they three possess. Next Melissa hoists a briefcase onto the table and opens it to reveal numerous syringes with moving black ooze I each one.

"The hell is that in the syringes"? Asked Snipe in an American accent whilst still speaking fluent Japanese.

"Nanotech silent radios, or the codec as we like to call it. The nanotech will link to the speech and thought centres of your brain as allow two way communication with anyone else on the right frequency, it's 100% silent, untraceable, unhackable, and is basically telepathy". Melissa explained shocking the entire rooms sans Nezu, taking pride in her work and reminiscing about her inspiration for the tech, the 'Metal Gear Solid' franchise which also inspired Mei to try and build a Metal Gear, thankfully she was stopped.

"So we're all getting a shot of that stuff, but their appear to be more than necessary for us". Stated Vlad King still somewhat stunned at the artificial telepathy.

"That's because each student of hero's course is also getting it". Replied Nezu. "Furthermore the trip to the USJ will now be a joint class with both classes A and B going together. It will not only build camaraderie between the classes but should anything happen then forty heads are better than twenty". The dean continued.

"Ok but what about the warp user, what's to stop them from just warping in and grabbing students"? Asked Aizawa.

"During the break in we had Mei-day hack the security to get everyone outside safely but we also had her scan the building and she picked up on the warp users unique energy signature. So we built a device that should alert us to the users presence and even potentially lock down their abilities". Izuku replied again shocking the room with how smart the trio was as he produced the device.

To build a device that could not only detect teleportation and portal usage but also shit down their abilities where both unheard of and thought impossible by the staff yet they where all looking that very piece of technology with various faces covered with disbelief.

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