USJ conclusion

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———Central plaza———

Tomura Shigaraki's day wasn't going as he had hoped, the plan was simple, step 1 stolen timetables to time the attack, step 2 have Kurogiri scatter the students and have the low to mid level grunts kill them, step 3 have NOMU kill All Might. However the plan had gone off the rails at step 2, Kurogiri hadn't returned which implied he was defeated, his plaza grunts were being crushed by Eraserhead and Vlad King, and All Might was a no show.

"Damn it, why isn't anyting going as planned". The crusty villain thought to himself has he violently scratched the back of him neck.

"At least I'll get some exp via NOMU killing these higher levelled heroes". He continued as he witnessed both teacher heroes being wrecked by his masters gift to kill the symbol of peace.

-meanwhile with Eraserhead-

"Damn it, I know I erased this things quirk but it's still this strong". The hero thought to himself whilst his head was in the grasp of a monster the villains leader called a 'NOMU' and monster was an apt description of this thing, it was over 8 feet tall and 100% muscle with dead eyes, it's brain was exposed, and had a large beak laden with razor sharp teeth.

Worst of all even when Aizawa erased its quirk it's still had enough strength to rag-doll both him and Vlad simultaneously, the latter was now unconscious about 15 feet away bleeding heavily, Aizawa's situation wasn't any better, his right arm was shattered to splinters and his left eye was bleeding and he was sure he had a skull fracture.

"So this is how I die, killed by a monster controlled by a villain with a hand fetish, buying time for that blonde buffoon to arrive and save the day, what a shitty death, I just hope all the students are okay". Aizawa thought to himself with hope just as the villain leader ordered the NOMU to crush his skull. "Hizashi, Nemuri, Oboro, I'm sorry". Where his last thoughts has he prepared himself for death.

Until suddenly the monsters grip loosened with a thunderous and screeching roar. As he fell to the ground the monsters now severed hand fell in front of him leaking a viscous black ooze.

Using what little strength he had he turned to see Hatsume wielding her weird energy axe having gone full Skywalker on the monster, he then saw two fury arms grasp the bewildered NOMU and throw it at the villain leader, the one who threw it was revealed to be one of Vlad's students, Shishida.

"Why are you here"? Aizawa asked confused at the students arrival.

"Because it's a heroes job to help people. Ribbit". Replied Tsu who hopped over with Izuku to help their teacher whilst Kodai and Awase went to help out Vlad.

"I told you guys too...". He began before Izuku cut him off.

"With all due respect sir none of us could call ourselves heroes if we didn't help, you can scald us and threaten us with expulsion when this whole nightmare is over". Izuku stated sternly, causing his teacher to slightly grim beneath his capture weapon as he took silent pride on his students.

This moment of calm was shattered as the villain leader yelled.

"NOMU KILL THESE BRATS"! Shigaraki yelled with anger causing the NOMU to attack the first thing it sawafter recovering from being thrown, that being Izuku.

In the blink of an eye the NOMU covered the nearly 20 meter distance between itself and the hero student throwing a punch with its now regrown fist. In response Izuku activated his force-field and the resulting collision sent out an explosive shockwave that threw everyone in the near vicinity off their feet, Tsu caught Aizawa and landed with him whilst Awase held himself Kodai and Vlad down with his welding.

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