Moon Man

513 19 3

The kids raised their hands to wave at him as he circled the air for a bit to count them all.

"Why, hello my Little Stars! It's nap time, so get the pillows and blankets from your cubbies, and settle down wherever you like."

At the start of the day, they were given bracelets that had a number on them. The number corresponded with a cubby on the wall for them to put their stuff.

Nova didn't trust to leave her bag alone, along with the dolls she held precious to her. Especially with other kids and their curious prying fingers.

In her cubby, there was a starry pillow and blanket waiting for her. She took it out and unrolled it under a soft block arch. Her head under the arch, like it was a shade from the world. A light shone from above her; she looked and saw Mr.Moon and his eyes glowing softly.

"Hello little star~" he tapped the block, "Very creative!"

She smiled at the animatronic and it left her alone. He was still as cool as she remembered from last time.

Nova could hear his joints moving with metallic sounds around her. Even though she couldn't see him, she could tell that he was making his rounds around the children. She tried to take a nap like other kids, but couldn't find sleepiness. Slipping the dolls out from her bag, she made them dance under the arch above her head.

She eventually got bored of that too.

She pulled her bag's strap over her shoulder then headed out to explore the daycare again; in the dark!

She thought that aspect of her short adventure was cool. In place of the bright fluorescent lighting, it was dark with specks of neon from the green and pink star night lights. She had a small flashlight in her bag she used to navigate around. If she didn't have that, she would've tripped on the wires from earlier. But somehow that same flashlight did not save her from knocking into one of those cylinder stacks.

Notifying the daycare attendant from the other side of the daycare, "Rrrgh!...clean up, clean up!"

She felt unreasonably scared by the animatronic and fled to the play structure, not wanting to be in trouble.

Going through the same path the first time around, the place had a nightlight every few spaces. It was really cool. After a couple more minutes of crawling around, she found a nook on the top floor and chose to settle down inside of it.

Nova pulled the Sun and Moon dolls out of her bag to hug them. She padded them with extra fabric for softness. The Sun doll's head was a bit floppy compared to the other, but she always found it funny.

She heard the creaky sound of Moon's joints again, but nearby. He was in the play structure. Nova hoped Moon wasn't mad.

Turning the corner, he noticed the small girl and cocked his head, "Hello there, little star. Aren't you supposed to be asleep? Naughty, naughty." He crawled closer to her and sat, "Why aren't you sleeping?"

Lowering her head, "I wasn't tired yet. I wanted to look 'round."

The robot nodded understandingly, "Sunny likes adventure too. But that's why we leave exploring for the light time. That's his job. Mine is to make sure you get proper rest."

She looked at him, (up close he was extra cool), "Okay. I'll try to sleep..."

Moon chuckled, "Good, what's your name, friend?"


He paused for a moment as if listening to something else then talked to her, "What a precious name. Sunny says he calls you, SuperNova."

Her eyes widened a bit, confused, "How do you hear what Mr.Sun is saying right now?"

"I can hear it through a special transmitter in my head."


"It sends sounds from one thing to another thing."

Smiling, she understood now, "Mmkay!"

Moon pat the top of her head. He didn't have a reason to; he just felt like it. The robot looked at what Nova held, "Are those your dolls?"

She glanced at them then back at Moon, "Yeah. Moon and Sun dolls."

"May I see?" he asked, holding out a robotic hand. When handing him the doll of himself, he inspected it.
"I haven't seen one like this before..." he muttered.


"Where did you get this one? It's different from others, not the ones they sell here. It's more detailed."

Nova grinned with pride, "You think that?"

He hummed a bit as he turned the doll in his hands, "Yes, I do. It's way better looking than what the cheap owners of this place sell."

She giggled happily.

"What's so funny?"

"I made it."

The robotic eyelids went from half closed (to give a sleepy look) to fully open, "You? You made this?"

"Mhm! I made another one of Mr.Sun too!" She displayed it for him to see.

He made a sound of awe, "These are quite impressive for your age."

Nova was smiling widely, "You can keep it."

"Really? Don't you want it?"

"I can make another. Keep that one."
The preset smile plastered on his face seemed to become larger and more genuine.

"Thank you Little Star."

The size of her grin was larger than his, "You're welcome." She yawned.

"Let's get you to bed."

Daycare Resident - Sun/Moon FnafWhere stories live. Discover now