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Part 1. Credits to @JellyBoi4
Nova, 3rd person

After finishing her schoolwork she waits by the slide for someone to come down. Nova sits atop the orange wall, drawing into her half full sketchbook from Arsen. Arsen is who she preferred come down the slide, but literally anyone could and she would be satisfied— except for his mean older brother. He was the exception.

In the past few months that she had lived at the daycare, Nova made friends with all the regulars. She made herself comfortable at the daycare, aware it was her new home. But she still occasionally wondered if her mom would ever come back... but it wasn't her biggest concern because Ms.Evelyne was the best to her. They would constantly talk together and have fun times when she wasn't busy.

At the moment Ms.Evelyne was talking to Sammy who occasionally drops by to hang out with her. Both of them have gotten really close. So close, that once Nova swears she saw them do the thing the teenagers did. But it didn't matter to her, Mr.Sammy was nice because he gave her ice cream.

After a while, the ball pit stirs. The colorful orbs shoot up and hit the short girl's feet. She gazes down at the kid there, thinking, Please be Arsen, Please be Arsen...
The boy sits up and shakes his black and multicolored hair.

"I think I touched gum in here..." Arsen groans, disgusted. Nova jumps down from the wall and on top of her friend.

"Yayyy!! It's you!" The girl says, hugging, but practically choking, the boy.

"UH– I think you broke something–" he strains through her tight embrace. Nova didn't think her small body could hurt anything of Arsen's so she paid no heed and kept hugging.

After she's done affectionately strangling him, he tells her that it's just him today and that his family is Bonnie Bowling.

Alone, the duo ran around a bit, wondering what to should do. Twice weekly, Arsen would come around to hang out with her. But by now, they've seemingly exhausted all the options in the daycare. The best they can do is go back to the play structures. They collect different items on their way up. Pencils, crayons, small trinkets, and empty glitter glue bottles are common. Each one they find, they put into Nova's bag with her doll. Finally at the top they find a large play foam block, two feet long and one foot wide (60 centimeters long and 30 centimeters wide). Being small enough Nova walks, dragging the block behind her, while Arsen still has to crouch.

"Hey look at that!" Arsen points to the ceiling of the play structure. A ceiling panel was missing, so they walked toward it. Finally standing, Arsen gasps, "This is so cool!"

"What is?"

"The view of the daycare!" Without hesitation he uses the grid panel of the wall to climb onto the top. He holds out a hand for Nova to join him. Now, both kids sit atop the structure, enjoying the overhead view. They're dangerously close to the edge of it, but unafraid of heights. Arsen dangerously dangles his legs over the edge.

Nova warns him, "Don't do that, Arsen! Sun might see." Sun catching them was more of a concern to Nova than falling off.

He nods, "You're right," obediently, he shifts back onto the structure, "Now what?"

"Um..." Nova contemplates what they could do and remembers the block they found, "What if..." she looks up, "that!" She places the block horizontally and stands on it like a stool. Bravely, she leaps up and grabs the edge of the net that covers the top of the daycare. Using all her arm strength, she pulls the rest of her body onto it.

Arsen grins, "Help me up!" Following suit, he stands on the block and leaps to the net. He successfully gets on, but costs the block. When he jumped, the block flew off the edge of the play place and hit the floor with a muffled thud, "...Oops."

Nonchalantly, she shrugs, "No worries."

But soon after, Sun, below them, skipped over to the fallen block. "Hm? I thought I heard something," apparently not noticing it, he tripped over it, "OH MY– what's this doing here?" He picks it up, humming to himself that this was a hazard he should clean up. The kids giggle for they had, temporarily, escaped the consequences of their dangerous stunt. They stop giggling when Sun comes back, "Novaaaaaa? Where are you?" He yells playfully. The kids snicker to themselves again.

Arsen's laughter gets a little too loud, so Nova leaned over slightly to clap a hand over his mouth. That small movement would prove fatal to their seamless scheming when a collected trinket fell out of her bag. The small item descended in slow motion until it hit Sun's head with a clink.

"Hm?" The animatronic looked down at it and rubbed his head where it hit. Then he slowly gazed up, "OH MY GOODNESS-"

Daycare Resident - Sun/Moon FnafDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora