Another adventure outside the daycare.

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Sun Point of view

They spent the next 5 hours together, playing and talking. The daycare was entirely emptied now except for myself, the two kids, Arsen's family and Evelyne. The parents talked about their kids together. Arsen and Nova kept running through the play structures with so much energy! Probably hyper because of the two sodas they each drank. When they come back down, Mrs.Sharp tells her son it's time to go home.

"No!" the boy protests, "I don't wanna!"

His father sighs but doesn't speak out loud. Instead, he whispers to his wife a suggestion. Mr.Sharp, despite his large and intimidating appearance, is really a quiet and passive guy. Mrs.Sharp is the outspoken and loud one.

"What if you both come with us, and we can get something real quick at the gift shop. Then we leave."

Arsen contemplates the offer, "Nova comes with us to there?"
"If her mom says she can."

Evelyne nods, making Nova beam excitedly. She slips down the slide head first, which I've been constantly earning against. Of course Arsen follows her lead. The older of the Sharp kids race out the door, the smallest being carried by their father. Arsen and Novs, hand in hand, exit by skipping. Leaving Evelyne the last to go. Her hand on the door, she turns back, "What's wrong Sun? Aren't you coming?"

My formally drooping sun rays perk up, "I can come?!"

She winks, "Who's gonna know?"

"But Van-"

"Screw Vanessa. I'll file the paperwork later, she won't give two craps anyway."

"Are you sure?" I hesitate; Vanessa can be harsh sometimes. Very critical in her work.

"Don't you wanna come?" she offers. It doesn't take me much time to think when I skip behind them. I'm so elated, I pick up my favorite little duo and fly them around using the transport wire. They cheer and cry of joy. Arriving at the gift shop Arsen practically rolls out of my arms— Nova leaps dangerously onto a shelf and climbs down it. Maybe there is a reason why we're not supposed to carry the children. But it's okay— Nova is great at handling heights. They roam around the gift shop for a long time before finally settling on a souvenir. They refuse to show me until after the purchase. They put it on and happily show me
Best friend magnet necklaces! They connect, one side my face and the other side's Moon's face; each even having my sun rays and his nightcap. Nova has the Moon necklace and Arsen has the latter. It makes me overjoyed that they chose those charms AND that they chose something together. They both look so excited!!

Well, until they have to leave. When they part, the kids act as if they'll never see each other again.

"Nooooo! Don't go!"

"I have to..." the boy frowns, rubbing his new necklace between his fingers.
The adults giggle, "We'll be back, Darling."

Nova fakes a sniffle, "When?"

An assuring smile comes from Mr.Sharp, "Halloween!"

Sorry i didn't post for the last 2 weeks! I've been trying to finish up my Circus Baby cosplay before halloween. Also, I started a YT channel! Check it out: I'm not sure if the link works, so if you wanna see it, search "GuhnomeArt yt channel" or "GuhnomeArt yt shorts." Either work. I use the same pfp. The content is mostly art and fnaf based. Have a good one!

Daycare Resident - Sun/Moon FnafWhere stories live. Discover now