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Nova was set down softly onto the blanket. Through the thin layer of fabric she could feel the rubbery padded floor which was also quite comfortable. Slipping under it, she put the Sun doll away in exchange for taking out her personal doll.

A light purple doll with a black strip around the head and white eyes on that strip. An upside down triangle formed the mouth and it wore a star shaped top hat, along with a white long sleeve shirt, red button up vest, matching red skirt and bow tie. Its polished black mary-janes and white cotton socks were stolen from an old barbie.

"Is that an original?" Moon questioned.

"Yes, her name's Lumen!"

"," he repeated slowly, taking it in.

"Like bright lights. 'Cause that's what stars are. Lights in the sky."

Moon patted her shoulder with his padded metal hand, "You're a smart little star, Nova."

She grinned, "When I go to sleep, will you also sleep Mr.Moon?"

He shook his head, "No. It's my job to watch the other kids, plus make sure the daycare is neat and tidy. We don't want any mess because it could be dangerous! Don't you agree?"

Nova nodded understandingly, lowering herself down slowly onto the pillow. Moon adjusted the blanket over her shoulder and stroked it comfortingly.

"Will I see you after my nap?"

He sighed, "Possibly, little star. Most likely, Sun will already be out, but maybe, just maybe, you'll see me later."

The short girl smiled at the animatronic, closing her eyes to bask in the sweet lullabies he sang.

Soon, she was sleeping.


Nova yawned slightly when bright light seeped through her eyelids. The goofy music was on again, chatter from other children could be heard, and— the oily finger of another kid kept poking into her cheek.

"Nova. Nova. Nova. Novie. Nova. Novaaaaaa—"She lifted her arm, smacking the kid in the face, "—Ow! My nose...! That hurt!"

She opened her eyes fully, "Arsen? Why are you poking me?"

Arsen grumbled a 'no-no' word, "Nap time finished a little bit ago. I found you and thought I should wake you up..."

Nova squinted at the boy incredulously, annoyed by his rude awakening.

"I'm sorry!" he frowned, "Do you not want to be my friend anymore? I know I'm kinda 'nnoying..."

Nova panicked slightly, "Of course I still wanna be your friend! Who wouldn't want to be your friend?!"


She wrapped him in a tight hug around his shoulders, "I'll be your BEST friend as long as we're together!"

He made a small sound of awe, then hugged her back.

"Goooood Morning sunshines!" the Sun animatronic greeted as he lowered from his cable, "How was your nap?"

"Ouhkay." "Eh." Arsen and Nova answered together.

"That's good to hear! Ya need anything?"

Arsen tilted his head, highlights in his hair reflecting the light nicely, "What's the time?"

"Snacktime, actually! Or in other words, 2:30." The robot giggled.

Nova hadn't eaten since this morning, "I'm hungry."

"Great! Would you like me to lead you to the snack cart?" Sun offered his hands to the two. They each took one and followed Sundrop, skipping their way to a medium black cart in front of the half circle desk. Ms.Evelyne stood nearby, eating a vegetable sandwich. Nova wasn't a big fan of veggies.

The golden animatronic showed them the options, "We have pizza, chips, cookies... sandwiches, crackers and cheeses... fruits! Oh I love fruit! Don't you?"

The girl nodded, review the options for herself.

"I want the chips," Arsen says.

"Chips sure are yummy! What type do you want, friend?"

He considers, "The green bag."

Sun opens and hands him the bag, which he immediately starts wolfing down. "My my! Don't go too fast or you'll get a tummy ache!"

He nodded, but didn't stop. Oh well, not her problem. "Can I have a cookie?"

"Of course, Sunshine. What type would you like? We have sugar cookies, chocolate chips, nuts, oat raisin, white chocolate, or entirely chocolate."

"Entirely chocolate!"

"Okay! But only one for now, got it?"

"Mmkay!" she said through a full mouth of cookie.

"I'll go hand the other kids snacks too, that sound good?"

He started walking away, handfuls of snacks with him, Nova remembered, "Wait, Mr.Sun! I have something to show you!"

The animatronic didn't catch what she said, as he was out of range. Arsen was on his second bag of chips already, now eating from a blue bag, his hands covered in its seasoning. Nova finished her own snack and wanted another cookie. She looked longingly at the cart, but sighed, knowing she shouldn't sneak another. Until something tapped on her head, "Huh?"

A cookie fell from atop her head and into her palms. Next to her Ms.Evelyne, the on sight animatronic technician/handler, stood.

She brought her finger up to her lips, "Sh. Don't tell Sun."

Nova beamed at the kind worker, happily munching on her second cookie.

I'm updating so late! sorry! I'll try to update tomorrow too. Do you like cookies(in other places known as biscuits), and what type? have a good one :)

Daycare Resident - Sun/Moon FnafWhere stories live. Discover now