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Tw: Bad parent

Today was the best day of her life. Yes, she was only 7, but life was garbage for her until today. Nova was in her favorite place in the world. She enjoyed the company of her new friend, Arsen, but he left earlier after snack time.

"Arsen, come with us, your parents are here," Sun told him. Behind Sun, a boy Nova's height, a tall older boy, and the bully from earlier stood. They were her friend's siblings and their mom and dad were there to take them home.

Would her own mom come to pick her up? Would both of her parents come? ...Would any? She felt dumb for thinking that, of course her mom would come back.

"Hi Dad! Mom! Arsen greeted when he saw his parents who were at the large wooden door. He gave them each a hug, something Nova wouldn't dare with her own parents.

"Mama, look—" the boy grabbed her hand and led her to his parents, "I made a new friend! She's my friend!" He exclaimed it as if it were a rarity for him. Nova was sure it would be normal for him to have a friend.

The mother looked a lot like him, but older and female, "Awh, that's sweet, Sen! I'm glad! What's your name?"

"I'm Nova," she grinned, baring her grin which was missing a couple teeth.

"I'm glad to meet you Nova, I'm Mrs.Sharp. Arsen will be here again on Friday—" two days from now "—hopefully we'll see you then."

Mrs.Sharp smiled sweetly, Mr.Sharp nodded a brief 'bye', and they led their sons out.

Now, she was mostly alone. Nova couldn't muster enough social energy to try and make another friend, and Sun was too busy with sending the other children off with their parents who were picking them up. The population of kids in the daycare had dwindled to around fifteen kids; the number still shrinking every ten minutes or so.

She sculpted the green play clay into a cat on its stomach, "What time is it Ms.Evelyne?"

The lady looked at her Faz-watch with the Roxane Wolf design, "8:47pm."

Pm... that meant nighttime, right? Well it couldn't be the next morning so that's what she guessed.

Nova turned back to the small sculpture and squashed it back into the lump of clay it originally was. Now sculpting the animatronic daycare attendants, she used a pencil to carve in the details. It took her a while to make both exactly right and to her liking. In that time, she lost herself in her creativity and completely zoned out to her surroundings.

"Hey Super-Nova," the animatronic she sculpted exclaimed with a hand on her shoulder, "What's that you're making?"

She nudged the play mat the clay was on so he could see, "Amazing! You're truly talented, little one!" He said as he lowered to sit down on his knees.

"Can I show you something else?" He nodded as she held out the Sun doll she made.

"OOOOOHH. Where'd you get this one from? Did they update the designs they sell?"

She shook her head, the strands of her purple and black hair mixing, "I made it."


"I want you to keep it," she grinned at his joy.

He gasped louder, "AWWW THANK YOU, SUNSHINE." He hugged it to his chest, "IT'S PERFECT!"

"Moon has one too!"


"I think it's in your room."

"Awwww!! Thank you so much Nova!" He took her in a hug which she returned.

The robot spent some time admiring it and playing with its arms to make it wave at them.

"So, Nova," he said, "Do you know when your parents are gonna pick you up? All the other kids have already left."

She didn't realize it, but she was. Looking around, the area was peaceful and deserted save for them and Ms.Evelyne.

She shook her head. Sun muttered something about it being closing soon and pickup time already ending.
"What time do I have to leave?" Nova asked sadly— she didn't want to leave at all.

He sighed, worriedly he muttered, you should've left by now, "In a bit." He giggled to try to change the mood a bit.

"Then what time is it now?" It's been a long time since she asked Ms.Evelyne.

"Uuum- 10:52."

She knew it was past her bedtime.

Sun's Point of view:

When would her mom come? It was worrying to Sun how long the woman was dragging this out. He could tell by her face that she was having insecurities of her own. Sun squeezed the plush of himself, "Well thank you for this wonderful gift Nova, I'm gonna check something. I'll be back soon."

She attempted a small smile but ultimately sighed and returned to her sculpting. He truly loved her enthusiasm for art.

Approaching the handler at the desk, Evelyne looks up with her decorative makeup coloring her face and mug of coffee in her hand.

"Has anyone come?" He asked, hints of concern in his voice.

"No..." she frowned and took a sip from her mug, "We called the mom's number and all emergency numbers..."

"Did anyone pick up?" Sun wondered hastily.

"That's the thing. They're all dead numbers."


"The numbers she gave don't even exist. And if they did they didn't even know the mother," her brows furrowed. This was intentional? No. No, that's not right. It can't be. She's such a sweet girl, the mother can't leave her behind. He felt panicky.

"Maybe the number was put down wrong?"

"No... if it were one of the numbers, sure. But all of the numbers not existing are not a coincidence."

Sun squeezed the plush in his hands. Nova...poor thing might be heartbroken.

"Let's not give up on it yet. I'll ask her the procedural questions, um you... can you check the cameras, the mother's customer record with us, and have someone check the front if maybe she'll show up late."

Evelyne opened her mouth to protest but then shook her head and reluctantly did the task. She believes it's hopeless. But Sun had hope. Nova doesn't deserve anything like this.

The technician used one hand to type and the other to take out her walkie talkie, "So can someone on crowd control look for this woman: goes by the name..." she proceeded to give a description of the girl's mom.

"Got it," the guard named Dave responded.

"Huh? Why-?" the head security guard, Vanessa Atkin, questioned.

Evelyne panicked, she somehow hadn't told the head security yet, "Uh- well- Vanessa, I—"

Said lady muttered, "CPS? why're they here," she connected the dots and groaned, "Evelyne I am coming over right now and you better explain everything to me."
Evelyne whimpered then continued reviewing the camera footage.

He turned back to the small girl at the art table. Her purple highlights matched the new clay lump she was working with. So far, she seemed to be sculpting animatronics; further backed by the fact she kept looking at the Roxanne Wolf plush next to her for reference. Sighing, Sun skipped over to Nova, upholding his happy image for the sake of the child, when really he was worried for her.

Time for questioning.

Daycare Resident - Sun/Moon FnafWhere stories live. Discover now