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Nova Point of view (Sun point of view towards the middle.)

They had a guy come in and teach me school stuff. He said he's a homeschool teacher. Boring.

But I'm so happy to be here! Waffles are yummy. I'm also on like, my 3rd soda...? Shh! Don't tell Sun!! Mama is letting me roam around in the daycare area, as long as I don't get into trouble. I can't wait to go beyond the daycare, because I want to explore! And want to go bowling or racing with those other robots. But I like Sun, so I'll settle for glitter glue.

I try not to go into the party rooms and annoy the guests, so I head to the theater. Inside, there's a big stage with a video playing behind a joke bot. It laughs stiffly, "Ha. Ha. Ha," after each of its jokes. I don't get the jokes, but no one is paying attention to it. I hear laughing behind me. As I turn, I see two older kids, a boy and girl, duck into a room. The 'staff only' sign is on the door... I think the mean blonde lady told mama not to allow other people there... I should tell them!

I follow them and find them leaned against the side wall... squishing their faces together. At the mouth.
I stick my tongue out, whispering "Ew."

Sun point of view
The daycare isn't busy yet, being Wednesday, so kids were still in school. Only a small few. Naptime just ended, so they're all still sleeping. Suddenly, I hear the ballpit rustle, meaning someone just entered. I skip over to greet whoever it is.

It takes me a while to realize the girl in the ballpit, "Why hello, Super-Novaaaaa! I haven't seen you since this morning, where've you been?"

"Oh! Exploring, but uhm..." she pressed a finger to her lips in thought, "Two older kids..."


"Mhm... they were uhhhh..." She looks like she doesn't know how to explain what she saw. But I can tell it's not good. She points at her mouth with two fingers, then presses those fingers together, and I can tell she means kissing. Eugh...

I sigh, while not all teens are bad, a lot of them are hard to get through to. I personally think management should create an animatronic capable of socializing specifically to teenagers. It would be nice, especially in the daycare for older kids here against their will.

I tell her to stay here and maybe play with the kids that wake up. I promise I'd be back real quick, and Nova being the sweetheart she is, agrees as long as I get her a cookie. I find the two still making out in a 'staff only' maintenance room. It catches them off guard to see me there then be lectured by me for trespassing and making out in a kid's area, but I decide to let them off with a warning.

Moon grumbles, "You're being too nice to the naughty ones, Sunny."

I half chuckle, "It's just young romance...?"

I can imagine him shaking his head, "Ew."

Based on my reaction to finding my friends kissing each other hahaha!

Daycare Resident - Sun/Moon FnafWhere stories live. Discover now