Finding a Lost Toy

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Doing first person of Moon again. I'll keep doing first persons until someone tells me otherwise or agrees. Please, I know a couple of you have the ability to comment, tell me your opinions 😂

I told the girl that I'd take her back to the daycare with Evelyne and that she could sleep until morning, THEN we could look for her doll.

Nope. She refused. In fact, she started screaming. For a kid who was timid and quiet, she could scream surprisingly loud. I bet DJ Music Man could hear her from the arcade. Eventually I succumbed just to make her stop.

She grins devilishly, "You little bed monster," I tease, tapping her nose, "You'll wake the other animatronics."
Not true. The only animatronic that sleeps is the aforementioned DJ spider. The rest of us patrol nightly except for maintenance night.

"Can we look now, Moon?" the child asks, back to being timid.

Sun squeals, "SHE'S SO ADORABLE!!"

If it could, my lips pull into a line. It would be a line of exasperation, "Sure, Nova. Where'd you see it—"

"Lumen!" she corrects.

"—Lumen, last?"

The girl half shrugs and turns her head all around, the purple streaks in her hair mixing with her natural black hair.

I scan the area, this time not 360-ing my head and just turning around my full body so as not to scare her.

The kids don't know, but the entry stamps pressed on the back of their hand actually allow animatronics to track where they have been. At least until the ink has been washed off, around 2 days or less unless you don't wash your hands frequently. If you don't wash your hands frequently, you should. Basic lack of hygiene's gross.

This feature is useful for finding kids who trespass into S.T.A.F.F only areas and missing kids. It's only possible to commit a crime with these stamps if you know about this feature and therefore rub the stamps off.

In my scan, multiple highlights of kids' and visitors' paths are made available to me, but I hone in on the unique signals to find Nova's. I found her walk path from today; most of it is in the daycare.

I scoop her up in my arms and she wraps her arms around my robotic neck. The wire lifts me and I hover slightly above where I see the highlighted trail. I listen to Nova's soft sounds of awe as we float gracefully through the air. My grip on her is strong to reassure she doesn't fall. It would be tragic if she did at this height. Maybe around 14 feet/4 and a quarter meters above the tile floor.

She startled me when she jolts, pointing suddenly, "There!" I follow her gaze and land my sights on her doll.

Laid on its back on the floor, looking up at us. I lower just enough for her to grab it.

I watch her bury her face into the back of the doll's head. I imagine how germy that is since it was on the un-cleaned floor, since cleaning is bi-daily. I groan at the thought. Germs. Ew.

I hear Sun's cheering in my head. Finally, I let the wire bring us back to the daycare. But instead of floating above it, I walk her back to the room through the 'secret hallway.'

Upon entry, Evelyne is still sleeping. Sun can fill her in tomorrow morning. I set the small girl down on her sleeping bag and she snuggles up with the germy doll. Gently lifting the blanket close to her neck and covering her, I then pat her head

"Pat pat."

"Nighty night, Little star," she holds up the plush, "Goodnight to you too, Lumen. I'll see you both tomorrow."

Nova smiles and yawns, "Nighty night, Mr.Moon..." then she shortly after drifts off.

Sun cooes more, "So cute..."
"Mhm... and what time is it, Sunny?"

"4:50am. Why, Moony?"

I chuckle, walking out of the room, "Let's go see the DJ."


It's now canon in my universe. Moon's a germaphobe. 😂

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