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Sun Point of view

I'm excited. Very excited. Very very very excited. No amount of very can describe how very excited I am. I've never left the daycare before! Evelyne filled out the clearance sheet that says I can leave until a certain time— she even said that the daycare can open at 7:30 instead of 7 just so I can be out. Her paycheck is the same either way, she claims.

I would jump, but Nova sits on my shoulders. She seems half asleep as she leans over me and grips my sun rays for support.

Nova yawns, "Where are we going?"

"Bonnie bowl!" Evelyne tells her.

"Bowl? Like, a food bowl?"

"Have you never been bowling before?"

"Is it a place?"

Obviously the girl hadn't. Maybe another morning, we could go bowling with her. We come up to the entrance and the doors swing open for us. The bowling lanes have been freshly oiled, balls sit in the returner, and the staff bots are in place at the counters to get food. Perfect! I hear Nova going: "Oooooooh."

Evelyne smiles and sits at the counter. A bot comes to her immediately, for lack of other customers, "Waffle Wednesday two people special, please." The bot rolls away and into where I assume the kitchen is.

I set Nova on a stool, "Waffles?" She queries.

Does she not know what those are either??? "We got waffles for you Nova." I answer.

She squeals, "I love waffles!" I wish my grin could grow bigger.

"Good to know," I hear Moon note in my head.

"Oh really?" the technician says—happy because, from what I remember, those are her favorites too.

Nova nods, "With whipped cream!"

I pat her head, "Then we'll get mountains of that for you!"


The server bot comes out with a plate with a stack of 4 waffles. Chocolate syrup drizzles down the side and powdered sugar dots the surface. Nova might start drooling.

Server Bot takes out a cylinder with a plastic nozzle from its compartment: "Whi-ipped crea-m?"

The little girl claps, "Yes please!"

It tilts the can above the already sweet waffle stack. "This is unhealthy," Moon mutters.

"T-ell-ell me when to st-op," the server orders.

It presses on the nozzle and the can hisses, letting the fluffy sugar out. Tsssssssss...

It goes on for a really long time. I look at the kid, her eyes glimmer. I don't think she'll ever tell it to stop. When the pile gets six inches tall, I cut in, "T-that's enough! Haha..."

The basic service robot leaves for its station.

She glares, "Suuuun!" she complains. Evelyne deadpans. I don't think she was gonna tell it to stop either.

"Now now," I boop her nose, "You can get a tummy ache! You don't want that, do you?"

Her lips pull into a small line, "It would have been worth it."

I giggle. How cute. They split the stack into two, and eat. Midway through her first waffle, she notices I'm not eating.

"Oh! I already ate!" I lie. Of course, I'm an animatronic who has a fixed jaw and no need to eat.

"Okay. What did you eat?" She questions suspiciously.

"Ooh she's good."

"Umm... Sundrops!"


"The candy."

She makes an 'o' with her mouth. Then thinks, "Can I put some on my waffle?"

"No!" Me and Evelyne tell her in unison.

Apologies for the late post! I got sick... Have a good one!

Daycare Resident - Sun/Moon FnafWhere stories live. Discover now