Other Animatronics

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Sun point of view

I can't describe how fast she ate those waffles. I feel like I blinked and they ceased existence. Did they ever exist? I think they did, but now I'm not sure. Evelyne is only starting on her second waffle. Aaaand... Nova is helping eat that waffle too. How many stomachs does she have??? Is there a Guinness world record for fastest eater because I think Nova stole it. She also stole the rest of Evelyne's food, so that's cool. Even the whipped cream is a hundred percent gone.

"Yummy! Can I have more?" If my eyes could widen, they would be the size of the actual sun.

"Haha... no... it's unhealthy...?" I say unsure. Evelyne nods and Nova sighs, "Okay, Sun." Content, she starts scribbling on her children's menu. A picture of me eating waffles. Aw!

I watch her draw, Evelyne does stuff on her phone, Nova draws continuously—little doodles on her page. Two sets of heavy clunking footsteps approach us, "The Daycare attendant?"

I turn my head, "Oh Helloooo! Roxanne and Bonnie, so nice to meet you!!!" I'm overjoyed to talk for myself to them, instead of through Moon.

Bonnie opens his mouth, "Ohhhh! You're Sun! I was starting to think Moon just had an imaginary friend!" He jokes. I laugh.

"Rude." Moon remarks

Nova's mouth hangs open, and the other two animatronics notice her. Roxanne looks at her, "Who's this little Rockstar?"

"Nova, come say hi to my friends!" She hops of the barstool and walks up. She's smiling from ear to ear to meet the bunny and wolf, who are competitive besties from what I can tell. Bonnie shakes her hand, "Nice to meet you, Champion!"

"You're very beautiful," Roxanne tells her, "I love your hair." 

"Kissing up to the child?" Moon asks.

The bunny questions me, "What is she doing here this early? And, curious, since when have you ever left the daycare?"

Evelyne chimes in, "I cleared Sun for today, we might do this more often– it's fun. As for Nova, I've started fostering her..."

"Wow! I think you'll make an excellent parent Ms.Evelyne."

Behind Bonnie, Roxy tells Nova about the salon and the raceway which Nova is very intrigued with. "Bowling is better though," Bonnie tells her.

The animatronic wolf squints at him, "How dare."

"I dare."

"I bet I can win at your ball throwing."

"Nuh uh. My bowling balls are faster than your karts could ever be."

"The karts go 35 miles per hour/55 kilometers per hour."

"Yep. I would throw balls that fast if it weren't against the safety coooode," Bonnie drawls.

We all laugh, Nova's laughter by far the cutest. Roxy pats her head, "I'll take you to the Salon one day, and we'll see who's the better racer."

"And you could bowl with me!"

"Can I come?" I cut in.

"Of course, Sun" Roxanne responds, smiling, "But I bet Nova will be the best."

Nova smiles, "Really?"

Now everyone is smiling. Bonnie spins a bowling ball on his finger like a basketball, "Definitely!"

Roxanne moves her hair with the back of her hand, "See ya round, Rockstar."

Bonnie follows his friend as she walks away, "It was nice to meet you, Champ!"

Checking her watch, Evelyne rushes us out, "Daycare opens soon, we gotta go, Sun."

When I crouch, Nova mounts on my back and we skip back to the daycare. What a wonderful morning!

Hello! Sorry for the late post, I had a lot of tests this week. Apart from art, Bowling is my second favorite pastime! What's yours? Have a good one!

Daycare Resident - Sun/Moon FnafWhere stories live. Discover now