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Sun point of view

When the lights come on, I find myself outside then Moon back inside. Little Aron is in my arms, Arsen is creeping creepily towards Nova, and Nova is oblivious to it all.

"Boo!!" He yells. Some other kids slowly and wearily wake up.

Nova jumps up quickly like a startled cat. She even hisses... then she realizes who it is, "Arsen!" She leaps to her feet and hugs her friend, comparably she is much shorter than he is. They embrace each other warmly as if it had been ages since they'd seen one another. I guess 3 days is a lot for 2 little kids anxious to see each other. Arsen grabs her hand and drags her with him into the play structure. I hear them crawling up to the top. Aron jumps down from my arms and runs off with his own buddies who are awake now.

Curious, I take the transport wire and follow Nova and Arsen. At the third level of the play place, they stop. He pulls out a crudely crafted paper packet from his large overall pocket. Nova takes it from him when he says to. She carelessly rips through the paper. Before seeing the gift, she pauses to inspect her finger, "Owie."

"What happened??"

"Paper cut. No biggies," she turns her finger to show a small cut starting to bleed. Her friend winces empathetically, but motions back to the present. Then just as carelessly she trashes the paper putting it aside. Her eyes and smile sparkle.

Arsen grins, proud of himself, "I noticed you had different drawing papers... I thought it would be easier if you had drawing books instead."

It takes every ounce of code for me not to squeal at all this sweetness.

"Adorable. He was thinking of her," Moon remarks.

Nova opens the first book to the first page, "You drew Sun!"

"Yeah—err—well, I tried to. Do you like it?" It's not as good quality as her drawings, but nonetheless she says: "I love it!" Leaping forward she hugs him aggressively. So aggressively that they tumble like a hamster ball... out of a hole in the play structure wall!

I rush over to the side to catch them. I don't need to though. I see a frozen Evelyne at the side. She holds her foster daughter in a princess carry and stares up baffled at Arsen hanging halfway out the hole.

"What the fridge?" the woman asks, looking between the three of us. I grab the boy before he falls out any further, setting him on the ground beside her.

"Tackling!" Nova exclaims completely out of context.


"I'll explain later," I giggle sheepishly.

"Wait, my present! Can you get it, Sunny?" I grab the stuff for her; her bag, plush, and new sketch books. She beams when I hand it to her. Before anything more is said, Arsen grabs Nova by the hand and pulls her to the next play area.

Sorry! Didn't come out when I wanted it to. School distracted me, haha. In line at universal horror nights, I saw the movie animatronics! Who else is excited for the movie?

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