37 - Sports Festival

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Hi guys!

Thank you so so much for all your love and support, I can't thank you enough. To those of you who wrote to me while I was away, reading your messages brought my heart so much joy and I was so happy to be back and keep the story going.

As always, please comment if you can! I think my favourite part about writing and posting here is seeing your guys' comments and reactions, that always makes me happy and motivates me to keep going ^_^

Also, big news! I spent last week editing some of the earlier chapters - mostly Y/N's and Shouto's scenes. It's just that when I was re-reading the story I felt like they were lacking something, and so I went back and rewrote some bits, and even added a very important scene between Y/N and Shouto in chapter 12 - though almost every scene with Y/N and Shouto had something new, so go re-read those bits if you're interested.

Also, I made Y/N and Shouto slightly older! They're friends until they're nine years old, and a lot of the things that happen from their childhood are from the moment they met until then. I know it's not a huge difference but hey.

Hope you enjoy!


Bakugou found himself lying awake in bed that night, staring at the picture Y/N had drawn mere hours ago, reliving every detail of their day together. His mind was consumed by thoughts of her, wondering over and over if he did the right thing.

The turmoil of his feelings for her weighed heavily on him, battling against his fierce determination to maintain focus for the upcoming Sports Festival.

He sighed as he placed the drawing on his bedside, then clenched his fists, frustration and confusion intertwining within him.

Not making a move - it had to be the right thing... right?

"Damn it, why does it have to be so complicated?" Bakugou muttered to himself, his voice filled with a mix of annoyance and longing. He couldn't deny the undeniable pull he felt towards Y/N, the way his heart raced whenever she was near, but he also couldn't ignore the risks involved.

He couldn't risk her not feeling the same way, he couldn't risk ruining their friendship.

And with the Sports Festival coming up, neither he nor Y/N could afford to be a distraction for each other, whether good or bad.

If he lost the sports festival because he was too distracted by her or too heartbroken after getting rejected by her, he was truly going to lose his shit.

Being number one had always been the most important thing for him, and distracted by his feelings for her could jeopardize his chances of securing the number one spot in the Sports Festival. It was a dream he couldn't afford to let slip away. Bakugou refused to experience the pain of losing.

But this feeling in his chest, how much he missed her even though he saw her only a couple of hours ago - it was agony. He couldn't ignore the emptiness he felt in his chest whenever he was apart from her. The thought of losing their friendship, of never exploring the possibility of something more, gnawed at him like a persistent itch.

"Y/N, what the hell have you done to me?" Bakugou whispered, his voice filled with a mixture of frustration, affection, and...

And fear.

He couldn't deny that his feelings for her ran deep, but he also couldn't deny the fear that gripped him at that thought.

As he closed his eyes, rubbing the bracelet she'd made him between his fingers, he made a silent promise to himself. He would be more careful with these feelings, keeping them tucked away, locked in a corner of his heart. He couldn't afford distractions or the risk of heartbreak, not when the Sports Festival loomed on the horizon.

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