27 - (Y/N)'s Unyielding Resolve

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(Y/N)'s head was completely clear when she got to where all of Class 1A was gathered. She looked around, trying to find the two people she most wanted to see. She was pretty sure that before her mind went fuzzy and her memories became blurry, both Bakugou and Shouto had been with her. Kirishima said they both left, so she figured they must be here with the rest of the students, and yet as much as she looked, she wasn't able to find them amongst the rest of the familiar faces.

That is, until she looked away from the rest of the students and distantly spotted them standing outside the back of the bus.

She brightened as she began to head towards them, absentmindedly wondering what they were doing together, but as she slowly got closer, her feelings were replaced by a sense of unease as she realised, something isn't right.

As (Y/N) approached Shouto and Bakugou, her initial brightened demeanor quickly faded, replaced by a sense of unease. 

Shouto was partly facing her direction, his back rigid, Bakugou's face contorted with anger as he grabbed a fistful of his shirt, holding him close in a menacing manner.

A knot formed in her stomach, causing her heart to race as she observed the tension radiating between the two, "Oh God, no," she whispered to herself as she began to rapidly make her way towards them, "why are they fighting?"

She tried to remain calm as she neared them. Shouto spotted her first, his surprise evident in his widened eyes, the tendrils of steam rising from him diminishing slightly. Then Bakugou saw her, his red eyes piercing with a combination of anger and surprise.

"Katsu? Sho?" she stammered with uncertainty as she stood in front of them, attempting to diffuse the tension that hung heavily in the air, "what's going on?" 

Her eyes shifted between the two, a mix of concern and confusion etched upon her face.

Shouto hesitated for a moment, his gaze flickering between (Y/N) and Bakugou, the turmoil in his eyes betraying the inner conflict he was experiencing. Bakugou, too, seemed momentarily taken aback by (Y/N)'s presence, his usual defiance warring with something else beneath the surface.

Shouto spoke first in a flat tone that betrayed no emotion, despite the chaos in his eyes a minute ago. "I was just leaving. Excuse me," he muttered, casting a cool gaze toward Bakugou as he callously removed Bakugou's grip from his shirt, striding away.

"Sho, wait," she called out to him but he didn't stop, walking away until he joined the rest of the group.

She frowned as she turned her attention back to Bakugou, only to find his eyes defiantly staring at her.

"Got something to say, maggot?" he growled.

She debated on her next words. "Um... is everything okay with you two?"

Bakugou scoffed, his anger palpable. "You obviously already know the answer to that."

(Y/N)'s heart sank as she shook her head slowly, "Kastuki,-"

"I'm not going to talk about that fucking half 'n half, maggot," he growled, annoyed, and she could only look away.

"But... I can't just let this go, Kastu... you're both my friends-"

Bakugou gave a humourless laugh, "For fuck's sake, maggot, really? How stupid can you get?" His words cut through the air with a harshness that stung (Y/N). "Neither of us are your friends, don't you fucking see that?"

(Y/N) groaned in frustration, her voice filled with exasperation as she tried to hid the fact that his words had actually hurt her. "Why do you do that? Why do you keep denying we're friends? We obviously are, after everything we've done together! You know we're friends, so just stop denying it for the sake of it, alright? And not only that... well, about Shouto... he's also my friend-"

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