17 - Physical Fitness Test

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By the time Kirishima and (Y/N) finished talking, they reached the schoolgrounds and Aizawa announced that they were having a physical fitness test using their quirks.

Aizawa first called Bakugou to the front since he had the highest score on the entrance exam.

"DIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!" Bakugou yelled as he threw the ball, a short moment of deadly silence descending upon the statement's wake.

"Die?!" muttered Izuku nervously, looking terrified whilst (Y/N) burst out laughing.

"Pffttt—ahahahahhah 'die' he says, oh my god, ahahahha," she clutched at her stomach whilst Bakugou turned and gave her a murderous glare, "shit, short fuse, you really know how to make a first impression ahahahahah-"


"Alright," muttered Aizawa, looking exhausted, "let's all be civil and continue the lesson so we can finish this and go home and question our existence."

The class blinked at him. He stared back, unflinchingly.

"Anyway..." (Y/N) muttered, trying to dispel the awkward atmosphere, "good pep talk sensei! I'm ready!"

"Yeah! PLUS ULTRA!" shouted Kirishima beside her, the rest of the students slowly relaxing and echoing the chant back.

And so, the quirk apprehension test began.

Everyone was doing their best, except for a certain broccoli boy who was quietly having a mental breakdown.

(Y/N) became increasingly worried as she saw Izuku was refusing to use his quirk. Why isn't he using it? Luckily, she didn't need to have worried as everyone was taken aback once Izuku finally used his quirk.

"Wooooo! Amazing, Izuku-chan!" (Y/N) cheered, a bright smile adorning her face as she clapped.

Shouto looked at her curiously, had a chance think "Izuku-chan?" before Bakugou lost it.

"What's the meaning of this?! Hey! Tell me what's going on, Deku, you bastard!" he snarled furiously as he charged at Izuku.

Izuku started trembling, his life flashing before his eyes as an enraged Bakugou got closer.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened, "Katsu-"

But thankfully, just as Bakugou was about to reach Izuku, Aizawa apprehended him.

"Calm down, or you will have to leave," he said calmly as opposed to Bakugou, who was practically trembling with rage.

"Katsu-chan, please-"

Bakugou turned to look at her, a crazed look in his eyes. A few of their classmates took a step back from the force of his gaze, but (Y/N) only stared back.


She frowned at him. "Katsu, calm down-"


"Bakugou!" Aizawa said firmly as (Y/N)'s eyes widened, "stop it, right now."

Bakugou took a few deep breaths, grinding his teeth before Aizawa finally released him.

Izuku slowly came to stand next to (Y/N).

"I'm sorry, (Y/N), I didn't mean to-"

She shook her head, "not your fault, Izuku."


"Don't worry about. I'll talk to him." She shook her head and gave him a bright smile, "anyway, Izuku-chan, that was amazing! Good job my loveliest bean!"

He smiled, blushing and scratching the back of his neck, "um, thank you (Y/N)-chan."

The physical tests continued, and (Y/N) could practically feel the anger radiating from Bakugou the entire time. She stayed away from him in the hopes that he would calm down, since she knew better than to confront him right away when he was mad about Izuku.

Once the test was finally over and they were told no one was getting expelled, everyone was a mix between ecstatic, betrayed and confused.

"Izuku-chan, should I come with you to the infirmary-" Izuku noticed that as she said this, her eyes were trained on Bakugou's figure as he stormed away.

"It's okay, (Y/N)-chan. You should go after him. I'm fine, I promise."

She gave him one last worried look before she rushed after Bakugou, unaware of Shouto's eyes following her.

"Hey, short fuse! Wait up!"

She ran after him until she was walking by his side, but he still didn't acknowledge her.

"Hey, Katsu-chan," she said more softly, "talk to me."

He turned to glare at her, "stop fucking acting so innocent. You fucking knew!"

"Of course I knew he had a quirk! He used it at the entrance exam!"

"THAT'S NOT WHAT I FUCKING MEAN! You knew before then that he was lying about being quirkless and-"

"No, Bakugou," she said firmly, "all I know about Izuku's quirk is that it developed late. I don't even properly know how it works or what it does. Really. Izuku isn't a liar, Bakugou, and you don't really have the right to feel so betrayed because he didn't tell you, especially with the way you treat him."

He glared at her, but she continued, "this issue you have with Izuku, now is your chance to solve it. You're both at UA, you're both going to become great heroes," Bakugou scoffed at that but she ignored him, "so really, I know you're practically incapable of doing this at this point, try to not resort to violence? One day, I know you two can move forward-"

"Fuck off."


"No, really L/N. Just shut the fuck up. I don't want to fucking talk about this anymore." He took a deep breath, looking away from her, "I believe you. But I'll kill you if you keep talking about shitty Deku-"

"Okay," she said with a frown, "listen, I care about you, but I care about Izuku too. So, if you hurt him-"

"We're training to become fucking heroes, we're not going to fucking hold hands and sing kumbaya-"

She rolled her eyes, "do you always have to be so fucking annoying? Really, do you seriously never get tired of hearing yourself because-"

"Princess, I'm just fucking saying it like it is."

"I understand you and Izuku are not going to have the best experience together going forward, but," she paused, sounding much more serious, "Bakugou, if you hurt him just because you want to, because you can," she paused again, looking more and more upset.

"What? You're finally going to leave me alone? I fail to see the fucking downside".

She glared at him, but Bakugou could see her disappointment. "You...ugh. Fine, whatever Bakugou. I'm going to check on Izuku, then."

Before he could reply, she was already making her way back to where she came from.

The fuck is she getting upset for, like I'm ever going to be "nice" to that bastard Deku. Like he's even fucking worth my time, he's nothing but a pebble in my path...

He trailed off as he watched her walk away, trying to shake her disappointed expression from his head.

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