3 - A Painful Parting

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After a few weeks of not visiting Shouto, (Y/N) asked her father about it.

"Father, why haven't I been allowed to visit Shouto?"

"Personal matters, (Y/N). You're not to visit him for a while."

"Is he okay?" she asked worriedly.

"He's fine, (Y/N), but there's a lot going on in that house right now, so you have to stay out of it until I say so, you hear me? No more visits for now, and that is final."

"...yes father."

After a few days, when her father was at work and she had club after school, she snuck away from school and instead walked to Shouto's house. She told herself that she was just going to do a quick check in with him, then return back to school before/just as club is over, then she could pretend she had been feeling sick and skipped club in the bathroom or something. His house wasn't too far away from her school, and she could get there and back quickly if she ran.

She thought it was a pretty good plan to be honest, not thinking clearly, focused only on making sure that Shouto was really okay. After she found out he was getting hurt during practice, she hadn't been able to brush away the worry, and now that she wasn't allowed to see him her worry only intensified.

When (Y/N) got to the mansion, she felt something was off, and immediately became worried for Shouto.

She rang the bell, and instead of being greeted by Rei or Shouto as usual, it was Fuyumi who opened the door, her knees covered in mud, wearing gardening gloves. Her eyes widened.

"(Y/N)!" she said, opening the door to let (Y/N) in, "I didn't know you were coming! Would you like some tea?"

"No thank you, Fuyumi-chan, I'm here to see Shou-chan. Is he okay?" she asked worriedly. Fuyumi hesitated for a few seconds.

"Have tea with me first," she decided, guiding (Y/N) to the kitchen.

Once there, Fuyumi quickly brewed some tea whilst (Y/N) watched her work, trying to work out what the different aura in the house was.

She was broken out of her thoughts as Fuyumi placed some tea in front on her and sat down. (Y/N) hesitantly reached for her tea, slowly bringing it to her lips.

"Did you want to say something, Fuyumi-chan?" (Y/N) asked after Fuyumi had been lost in thought for some time.

"(Y/N), does your father know you're here?"

At that (Y/N) flushed, but since Fuyumi seemed to already know, she shook her head.

"I see. (Y/N)...you can't see Shouto today. Not for a while."

"Why not? My father said so, but he wouldn't tell me why. Is he okay?"

"He is...fine" Fuyumi said, "but it's just for the best that you don't see him for a while."


"No buts, (Y/N)," Fuyumi said firmly, as she finished her own tea. "It's for the best."

There was a moment of silence, and then (Y/N) stood.

"Oh...okay. I'm sorry for bothering you, I'll leave now then."

"I'll walk you out," Fuyumi said, rising, but (Y/N) shook her head.

"It's okay Fuyumi-chan. I don't want to be a bother, and," she gestured at Fuyumi's soil-stained clothes, "I'll leave you so you can get back to working in the garden. I'd love to see it when I can visit Shou-chan again!"

Fuyumi smiled softly, assuming (Y/N) had come with her driver, and ruffled (Y/N)'s hair. "Alright (Y/N). Get back home safe."

"I will," she said, smiling, as she and Fuyumi walked off in opposite directions. (Y/N) walked over to the door, opened it then shut it again quickly, and without hesitation quickly made her way to Shouto's room.

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