10 - Training with Bakugou

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While this new development between (Y/N) and Bakugou was going on, Izuku had grown more secretive about his doings lately, only telling her that he was also training for the entrance exam.

I hope he's doing okay, (Y/N) thought with a fond smile. Often when she saw him now he seemed extremely tired, yet she didn't recall ever seeing him so happy and full of hope before, his rosy cheeks and twinkling eyes making her feel so much joy for her friend.

Bakugou, on the other hand...was as rude and volatile as ever. (Y/N) was better at dealing with him now though, and though Bakugou was still a jerk, he didn't seem so set in making her life miserable anymore, so that was a plus. He still criticized and insulted her on a daily basis, but (Y/N) noticed that he wasn't set on actually hurting her anymore, his usual vulgarity being a reflex rather than intentional. She didn't point it out though, knowing that if she did he was very likely to grow defensive and blow up at her.

When it came to Shouto, however... well, she had seen Shouto only a handful of times, and not once did he ever ask her what happened, or why she transferred.

Maybe he didn't even notice, she thought bitterly, the way he ignored my presence before, I wouldn't be surprised.

Over the next first couple of months, (Y/N) and Bakugou trained together. He never went easy on her, or she with him, and by the time they finished they were often both exhausted and satisfied, not that either of them would admit it.

To (Y/N)'s surprise, eventually Bakugou actually became tolerable to be around. Since they both took the train to and from school, they often walked to the train station together after training, as they had opted to use an abandoned terrain in order to use their quirks more freely rather than in (Y/N)'s house.

Plus, Bakugou was still pretending that he hated her and all that "not wanting anything to do with her" bullshit so they rarely trained in her house.

This also meant that when they were done, they would sometimes even get dinner together. That was something that shocked (Y/N) most of all: she had once, after being unbearably tired and hungry, jokingly suggested they get dinner before heading home, and to her surprise, Bakugou wordlessly agreed, heading to a ramen restaurant. After that, it was common for them to head to dinner if they were particularly hungry, and though (Y/N) wanted desperately to ask why he was agreeing to do this when it didn't benefit him at all, she tried to keep her curiosity in check, not wanting to rile him up.

It was almost four months after they had begun training when Bakugou finally asked something that'd been bugging him.

"You have two quirks, don't you?"

She looked at him and blinked, "er, yes?"

"Why the fuck are you phrasing that as a question?"

"I don't understand why you're asking! Everyone knows that."

"Because, you fucking loser, we've been training for months and the only quirk you use is the shadow one!"

She frowned at him, "so?"

"SO?!" he screeched, and (Y/N) was enjoying winding him up too much if the way the corners of her lips turned up were any indication, "so why the fuck won't you fucking use your other quirk? Too delicate to handle it, princess?" he asked hurriedly, wanting to ignore the fact that her trying not to smile wasn't irritating him as much as it would have, had it been anyone else doing that.

At his question though, she stopped smiling, and he tried not to feel disappointed, because why the fuck would I feel disappointed?

"No reason, really, I just thought I'd practice with shadow instead."

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