21 - Coupons for Spicy Food

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Back inside UA, (Y/N) had just come out of the girls' bathroom, making a quick stop there to refresh herself before she went home.

She was wiping away the water from her face when Uraraka spotter her up ahead, where she was standing together with Asui and Ashido.

"(L/N)-chan!" Uraraka called out, waving her over.

Reluctantly, (Y/N) approached the group.

"Oh, hi Uraraka-chan, Ashido-san, Asui-san," she nodded at them

"Hi (L/N)!" Ashido exclaimed happily, "I didn't get a chance to talk to you earlier!"

(Y/N) smiled, "you were amazing today, Ashido-san. You all were!"

"Thank you!" Uraraka and Asui replied.

"Todoroki's quirk was amazing, but I wish we had gotten to see more of you today!" Ashido added, "I'm looking forward to it!"

(Y/N) smiled uncomfortable, a bit hesitantly talk about today, "right, thanks."

"(L/N)-chan," Uraka hesistated, "um, are you going to see either Deku-kun or Bakugou-kun?"

(Y/N) frowned, "uhhh, don't think so? I told Izuku not to wait up for me, and Bakugou was angry as fuck all day so I'm sure he has already stormed out."

"Actually, we just saw them have a showdown!" Ashido exclaimed, pumping one fist into the air, the other pointing out of the window they were standing in front of, "Midoriya and Bakugou were talking, Bakugou looking like he was going to kill him as always, and they seemed to be having some sort of fight."

(Y/N)'s eyes widened, "shit, did Bakugou-"

"It didn't get physical thankfully," Asui said, shaking her head, "but Midoriya-chan looked terrified and Bakugou looked very angry when he left. Midoriya-chan just went somewhere with All Might, but Bakugou left the school grounds, kero."

"Oh? How long ago was this?"

"Just now. I'm sure if you run for it, you could catch up to Bakugou," she replied, reading her intentions.

(Y/N) gave her a relieved smile, "thank you so much, Asui-san!"

She replied with a smile, "it's no problem, kero. Call me Tsu."

(Y/N) couldn't help but smile wider at this adorable bean, "Tsu-chan it is! You can call me (Y/N)! I'll do my best to catch up with Bakugou now, try to prevent him from blowing something up. I'll see you guys tomorrow!" she jogged away, waving back as they said their goodbyes.

(Y/N) ran out as fast as she could, debating on whether or not to head to the station or to walk.

Bakugou must be very angry, so he's probably walking to clear his head a bit, she thought as she headed away from the station instead, keeping an eye out for him.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, she spotted his tense form walking up ahead.

It was only when she caught sight of him that she hesitated. She knew how into his thoughts he could get, and to be honest, she didn't really see a scenario where approaching him would end well, but she couldn't just leave him alone, especially if she knew he was feeling bad about today.

Plus, a very selfish part of her wanted a distraction from thoughts of Shouto, and she figured Bakugou was the way to do that. He always kept her mind busy after all.

"Bakugou!" she called out in advance as she approached him, but he kept on walking ahead.

She soon caught up with him, walking by his side. He still didn't acknowledge her, and she remained silent for a bit, not quite knowing what to say.

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