1 - Meeting the Todorokis

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Hello! This is my first time writing and my first story. It will probably need a lot of improvement lol but I'm trying this out! Please feel free to leave comments on telling me how to improve or even if you have ideas of how the story should go!

Without further ado, here's the story!

(Y/N)'s house life was nothing much to talk about. Her parents weren't in a happy marriage by any means, but they didn't hate each other, so (Y/N) always saw that as a plus. (Y/N) didn't know this when she was younger, but as she grew up and became more aware of the world around her, she wondered if her parents had ever really loved each other. Did they marry each other because their quirks were somewhat compatible? Necromancy and shadow manipulation were sure able to be strong together, and kind of expected to work together. Plus, with necromancy being such an unstable and quirk to master, having shadow manipulation to pick up the slack made the user more powerful. It made sense that their quirks had had something to do with why they settled for each other, but she preferred not to push it.

When (Y/N) was born, her father eagerly awaited for the manifestation of her quirk. He hoped that she would inherit a mixture of both quirks in order to be a very strong and famous hero in the future, and bring fortune and fame to the family name. Necromancy was a hard quirk to control, and an even harder quirk to sell to the public due to the horror of its nature and the ethics that come with it, and so he wanted to show the public that necromancy was a quirk that could be heroic, that it shouldn't be feared. He had done his hardest to present that to the public with his time as a pro hero, but he wasn't satisfied, and figured that (Y/N) was the key to that, since if she also inherited the shadow quir, she was bound to be stronger than even her father.

Due to her father being a pro hero, and a somewhat unapproachable yet successful one at that, The Necromancer was aquatinted with Endeavor, whose situation was a bit similar to that of the Necromancer's.

When (Y/N) was five years old, her father visited the Todoroki state, taking (Y/N) with him.

As her father knocked on the door, (Y/N) became restless.

"(Y/N), behave. These people are very important, so you must make an impression."

"Impression?" (Y/N) asked, confused as to what her father meant.

Her father shook his head, "you're too young to comprehend yet, but if things go well, your future will definitely become that much more successful with a Todoroki by your side. So, be a good girl and behave." The last part was said harshly, his tone suggesting finality.

(Y/N) ducked her head, "yes, father."

The door to the house finally opened, and (Y/N) was faced with one of the most beautiful and kind-looking woman she had ever seen.

"Reo, it's so good to see you." She said, addressing her father. Her eyes shifted to (Y/N), who fought against the urge to hide. "you must be (Y/N)! It's lovely to meet you," she said as she crouched down to be eye level, "I'm Rei Todoroki, please make yourself at home." She gave (Y/N) the most disarming smile she had been exposed to yet, not used to such kind and open gestures from her own parents.

(Y/N) found herself relaxing, "lovely to meet you, Todoroki-san. Please take care of me." She bowed softly, and Rei gave a soft laugh, ushering her and her father inside.

"Please, call me Rei, (Y/N)-chan."

(Y/N) blushed, pleased, "okay, Rei-san."

She gave her another beautiful smile as she walked ahead of them.

"You can meet Shouto, (Y/N)-chan."

(Y/N) once again became anxious at the prospect of meeting more people, but if they were anything like this kind woman, she thought she could handle it.

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