42 - Soba Night

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Hi guys, here's another one that was in my drafts! Enjoy.

As always, please vote and comment if you can! ^^


After that day, Bakugou didn't make an effort to contact Y/N, and neither did she.

She knew he had just been angry and lashing out blindly, but he had hurt her still, and she wasn't too keen about a second round. All the emotional turmoil of that day weighed heavily on her still, and she figured the best thing to do would be to give him time and space to calm down.

If Bakugou wanted to talk, he knew what to do.

Just as she was thinking about this, her phone rang.


She reached over for her phone embarrassingly fast, and felt a pang of disappointment when it wasn't his name on the screen.

However, she quickly sobered up once she saw who it was.

"Shou-chan? What's up? You okay?" Y/N said in concern as she quickly answered the phone.

Shoto hesitated. "Hi Y/N... yes I'm fine I... I wanted to ask you something, but I don't want you to feel obligated or anything..."

"Sho, it's okay, you can ask me anything," Y/N's voice was gentle, filled with a genuine desire to listen and offer support. She was glad that he seemed to be opening up more and more ever since that night in his room, and even more so since the festival.

Shouto took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before speaking. "I... I want to visit my mother in the hospital. It... it'd be the first time since she was admitted, and I've been hesitant, but I think it's time. Would you... please come with me?"

Y/N's heart swelled with compassion for Shouto, understanding the weight of what he was asking her and feeling grateful he would trust her with it. That he wanted her there.

Without hesitation, she replied, "Of course, Shou-chan, I'll be there for you. You don't have to go through it alone."

A sense of relief and gratitude washed over Shouto's voice. "Thank you, Y/N. Your support means a lot to me. I'll pick you up tomorrow?"

"Of course, Shou-chan. See you then."

There was a slight pause on the line, before Y/N added, "Hey, what are you doing tonight?"

"Huh?" Shouto asked in confusion, "Oh, not much... I'm kind of nervous about tomorrow."

Y/N felt a pang in her chest. She thought that might be the case. She couldn't imagine the pain and nerves he must be feeling right now, in anticipation of the big meeting.

"Well, how about we go out? You and me, maybe go for a walk, grab something to eat? Distract you for a bit?"

There was a pause on the line, and for a second Y/N feared that Shouto wouldn't be interested, before a quiet, "I'd like that," came through the phone.

"Great! Let's meet at the station in half an hour?"

"Okay. See you then, Y/N."


As Y/N walked to the station, she felt her stomach twisting slightly. What was there to be nervous about?

Maybe the fact that this is the first time she'll hang out with Shouto since they were kids? The first time that they'll willingly spend time with each other?

Y/N wasn't really sure how it was going to go, but she tried to tell herself that she was just being silly. There was nothing to be nervous about.

But as she neared the station and saw his bi-colored hair in the distance, her stomach did a flip.

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