40 - Together Again

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Hi guys! Thanks so much to all of you who are still reading, voting, and commenting, and those of you who've sent me the sweetest messages! I really appreciate all of it, it really keeps me motivated to keep writing! 

Here's another one from the drafts - I hope you enjoy! As always, please vote and comment to make my day! ^_^


Time seemed to stretch on as Shouto watched over Y/N, his thoughts consumed with the depth of their past, and the unconditional love that had grown between them.

And then his thoughts drifted back to Bakugou.

Shouto had suspected that the hothead had feelings for Y/N, but he thought he was just being paranoid, afraid to lose her.

But from the moment he saw Bakugou step through the infirmary door, his eyes crazed with worry, he knew.

He did feel a strange feeling at the pit of his stomach, discomfort and jealousy at the fact that Bakugou felt that way about Y/N. But at the same time, the realization that Bakugou's anger and frustration stemmed from the same place of deep affection and concern for Y/N struck a chord within Shouto's own heart.

Thoughts of Y/N's kind nature, her infectious smile, her eyes that could time itself stand still with just a gze, and the way she could make you feel like the center of the universe flooded Shouto's mind. He couldn't deny the fact that he had always loved her, no matter how hard he had tried to dismiss the depth of his own feelings. So how could he fault Bakugou for falling for her too?

Things were complicated. His feelings for her, Bakugou's feelings for her - and the quirk marriage. It was a recipe for disaster.

He had been aware of the quirk marriage arrangement hanging over their heads, a burden they had carried for years. Despite his feelings for Y/N, the prospect of a marriage with her - a quirk marriage - made him sick to his stomach. The notion of being forced into a union with Y/N solely based on their quirks, something that drove his mother mad and made her and his siblings suffer through endless abuse - he couldn't put Y/N through that.

But now, in the midst of his feelings for her, and Bakugou's feelings, the weight of that arrangement felt even heavier. The idea of Y/N being bound to Shouto against her will, filled him with a deep sense of unease and sadness.

And then, of course, there were Y/N's feelings to consider. He knew Y/N cared about him - that she loved him - but he wasn't delusional enough to think she reciprocated his feelings. He knew she loved him as a friend, and he felt so lucky in that regard, because he felt that it was already more than he deserved.

But how did she feel about Bakugou? Shouto had watched them together, and though she hadn't really given anything away, there was an easy interaction between the two of them despite Bakugou's off-putting nature. He couldn't shake off the nagging feeling that there might be something more between them, and he wasn't sure if it was just because of Bakugou's feelings for her, or whether she felt something back for him.

Could it be that Y/N felt something more for Bakugou, something akin to what Shouto felt for her? He couldn't deny the possibility. He knew that feelings could be unpredictable and didn't always follow a logical path - he was familiar with that.

If Y/N did have feelings for Bakugou, Shouto couldn't blame her. Bakugou, despite his brash exterior, had shown moments of vulnerability and kindness when it came to her - something Shouto truly hadn't expected, but was now fully aware of. Their relationship was deep and complex - he couldn't understand it, and couldn't predict how deep their connection truly was.

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